Advanced Operation: Process and Control by Status
## Overview
By using the "「Process」" function, you can realize the approval workflow function used for approval applications. In addition, by combining it with "[Control by Status](/en/manual/status-control)", you can set each column display or read-only status in detail for each situation.
# 1. Process
The "Process" function realizes the workflow function by setting buttons for process management, input validation, conditions for each status, access control for button display or not, automatic numbering, and notifications when buttons are pressed.
## Process Function and Status
Process functions are set based on the "[Status](/en/manual/table-management-status)". Set the processing to be done when changing from the current status to the changed status. You can also specify all statuses for both the current status and the changed status, which allows you to set up a button that will be displayed in all statuses. Using this setting, you can freely add buttons to execute specific processes in addition to the standard buttons (new, update, delete, etc.).
## Overview of Process Function Settings
### 1. Button Settings
Adds a button dedicated to process processing. In addition to adding buttons, you can also execute process processing with the existing Create/Update buttons. You can also set the action of pressing the button to set a button to execute any script. By using the button settings, you can add buttons that are commonly used in approval workflows, such as buttons to advance the status to the application or buttons to send back the status, as well as buttons to execute scripts or server scripts.
#### Examples
* "Apply" button that changes the status "Waiting for application" → "Waiting for section manager's approval"
* "Pay" button that changes the status "Waiting for accounting" → "Completed"
* When the New Registration/Update button is pressed, the status does not change, but the operating user is registered in the "Respondent" field.
* The "Print" button prints the screen when the status is "Approved" or later.
### 2. Input Validation
You can set your input validation process for each process. This can be set separately from the required input and input validation set in "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" - "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)", and you can choose to merge or replace it with the input validation set in "[Editor](/en/manual/table-management-editor)".
#### Setting Example
* Make the "Response" field mandatory when the approval button is pressed.
### 3. Conditions
Normally, the process button is displayed when the current status is specified, but users can control the button display in detail by setting conditions.
#### Setting Example
* If the amount field is less than 200,000, display the "Approve" button that changes the status "Waiting for section manager's approval" → "Waiting for accounting".
* If the amount field is more than 200,000, display the "Approve" button that changes the status "Waiting for section manager's approval" → "Waiting for department manager's approval".
### 4. Access Control
Specify who the process button is displayed for. Can be specified by user, department, or group. By combining with conditions, you can control the button display in more detail.
#### Setting Example
* Only display the "Pay" button for users who belong to the accounting department.
### 5. Data Change
You can change the data of each column when the process button is pressed. You can enter any value or copy values.
#### Setting Example
* When the application button is pressed, automatically enter the operation date in "Application Date", and the name of the operating user and the department to which the user belongs in "Applicant" and "Application Department".
### 6. Automatic Numbering
Automatic numbering is performed when the process processing is executed. The automatic numbering that is set in the advanced settings of the editor column is set when a record is created, but with this setting, it is also possible to automatically number records when they are updated.
#### Example Setting
* Assign an approval number when the approval button is pressed.
### 7. Notification
Set the notification content when the process is executed. This is a separate process from "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" - "「Notification」", so they can be used in combination.
#### Example Setting
* When the "Approve" button is pressed and the status changes to "Waiting for accounting", an email is sent to the accounting department mailing list.
# 2. Control by Status
Depending on the status, users can set "[Input Required](/en/manual/table-management-required)", "[Read-only](/en/manual/table-management-readonly)", or "[Hidden](/en/manual/table-management-hide)" for each column, or set read-only on a record-by-record basis. Users can also set the conditions for enabling the settings and access control.
#### Setting Example
* If the status is "Waiting for application", hide the approval-related column
* If the status is "Waiting for section manager's approval", you belong to the employee group and will read the record only
* If the status is "Waiting for accounting" and the "Amount" exceeds 1 million yen, display all column as read-only
## Related Information
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