User Manual



FAQ: I forgot my administrator password and want to reset it to its initial setting

## Answer Please execute the UPDATE statement. --- ## Overview Normally, to "[Reset password](/en/manual/user-password-reset)", the tenant administrator clicks the "[Reset password](/en/manual/user-password-reset)" button on the edit screen for the user in "User Management". However, if the administrator forgets their own password and cannot change it from the screen, the password can be changed by executing the following SQL against the database. ## Restrictions 1. This procedure is valid when Pleasanter manages login users and passwords by itself. If you have set up LDAP or SAML authentication, please contact the administrator of the LDAP or SAML to which you are connecting. 1. This procedure is for those who have built Pleasanter themselves. If you are using and would like to change your password, please refer to the following link. [FAQ: I forgot my password and would like to reset it \(Pleasanter\.net\)]( ## Operation Procedure 1. Log in to the server on which Pleasanter is installed. 1. Start [SSMS](/en/manual/install-sql-server-management-studio) (SQL Server Management Studi). 1. From the "Object Explorer", expand "Databases" and select "Implem.Pleasanter". 1. Right-click "Implem.Pleasanter" and click "New Query". 1. Execute the SQL in the sample code below. 1. Log in to Pleasanter with the changed password. 1. After logging in, set up the user again. ## Sample Code * This SQL is for SQL Server only. * Replace "User ID for which password is to be changed" with the actual user ID. * Replace "New password" with the password you want to change (alphanumeric characters, numbers, symbols). ``` use [Implem.Pleasanter] declare @password nvarchar(128) = 'Password after change' update [Users] set [Password] = (select lower(convert(nvarchar(128), hashbytes('SHA2_512', cast(@password as varchar(128))), 2))) where LoginId = 'User ID for which password is to be changed'; ``` ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/user-password-reset">User Management Function: Reset Password </a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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