FAQ: List screen operations/settings
- FAQ: Even if you set the number of records to display per page, more records than the set number are displayed08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I customize the display items in the linked record list table?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to change the default view for each logged-in user08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to decorate the text of items that match a condition in an Index10.31.2024 up
- FAQ: How to change the cell color depending on the range of values in the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the width of the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to change the background color of a specific column on the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the column width on the screen index01.15.2025 up
- FAQ: How to adjust the row height on the list screen08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I enable filters without using a view when opening a list screen?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to enable a filter without using a view when opening a list screen (server script)08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: I want to enable filters when I open the list screen10.09.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I sort the records displayed by department?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: Checkboxes are not displayed in list view, so bulk update and bulk delete cannot be used08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to highlight locked records in list view10.09.2024 up
- FAQ: How can I turn off the alert for expired records in a table with a deadline?08.14.2024 up
- FAQ: How to display items from parent and child tables on the list screen08.14.2024 up