FAQ: I want to enable filters when I open the list screen
## Answer
Use "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)".
## Overview
If you want to display the list screen with the filter search conditions entered, such as when there are a large number of records, use "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)".
## Operation Procedure
1. Open the relevant table, select "Manage" - "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" from the navigation menu, and open the "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)" tab.

1. Click the "Create New" button, enter the display conditions for the list screen, such as filters and sorters (sort order), and click the "Add" button.

1. After adding the view, click the "Update" button and then the "Back" button to display the list screen.
1. Select "Management" - "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)" from the navigation menu again and open the "「Grid」" tab. Select the view you just registered in "[Default View](/en/manual/table-management-default-view)" and click the "Update" button.

1. Log out once, log back in, and then display the list screen. The records extracted by the filter conditions set in the specified view will be displayed in a list.

## Related Information
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