User Manual



Add Group Members

[<< Return to Operation Guide Index](/manual/basic-operations) ## Add group members Add members to a group. ## Preparation To add members to a group, you need a user and a group. If you haven't created them yet, please refer to [Create A User](/manual/basic-operations-new-user) and [Create A Group](/manual/basic-operations-new-group) to create them. ## Manual 1. Click "Group Management" from the navigation menu. ![image]( 1. Click on the group to which you want to add members. ![image]( 1. Click the "Member" tab. ![image]( 1. Enter the name of the member you want to add in the "Available Member" search field and press Enter, and the member will be displayed below. (*Entering "%" will display all users.) ![image]( 1. Select the member you want to add and click the "Add" button. ![image]( 1. Make sure that the member you want to add is in "Current Member" and click the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen. ![image]( 1. This completes the process of adding members to the group. ![image]( [<< Return to Operation Guide Index](/manual/basic-operations)
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