Developer Function: API: Group Operation: Get Group
## Overview
You can use the API to retrieve group records.
## Preparation
Please create an "[API Key](/en/manual/api-key)" before performing any API operations.
## Request
Send json data in the following request format:
|Setting column|Value|
|HTTP Method|POST|
|Content-Type |application/json|
|Character Code|UTF-8|
|URL|http://{server name}/api/groups/get (*1)|
|Body|Refer to the json data below|
(*1) Please edit the {server name} part to suit your environment as appropriate.
For, the format is as follows:
##### JSON
"ApiVersion": 1.1,
"ApiKey": "sad610bHDo04720DoloA356...",
"View": {
"ColumnFilterHash": {
"GroupId": "[11,12]"
The GroupId filter is an array that allows multiple values to be specified, so please write it as shown above.
## Response
JSON data in the format below will be returned for the number of GroupIds selected. Please refer to [here](/manual/api-group) for the data layout.
##### JSON
"StatusCode": 200,
"Response": {
"Offset": 0,
"PageSize": 200,
"TotalCount": 2,
"Data": [
"TenantId": 1,
"GroupId": 11,
"Ver": 1,
"GroupName": "Group A",
"Body": "",
"Disabled": false,
"Comments": "[]",
"Creator": 1,
"Updator": 1,
"CreatedTime": "2023-04-01T12:00:00",
"UpdatedTime": "2023-08-15T12:00:00",
"GroupMembers": [
"GroupChildren": [
"ApiVersion": 1.1,
"ClassHash": {
"NumHash": {
"DateHash": {
"DescriptionHash": {
"CheckHash": {
"AttachmentsHash": {
## Confirmation Items in Case of Error
[・Precautions when using the API and things to check if an error occurs](/manual/faq-api)
[・FAQ: What to check if modified configuration files or API requests (JSON format) are not recognized correctly](/manual/faq-json-format)
## Specification Changes
***API specifications have been partially changed since November 2018.**
- The URL format has been changed from '/pleasanter/api_items/xxxx' to '/pleasanter/api/items/xxxx'.
- The Content-Type specification has been changed from 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' to 'application/json'.