User Manual



Set Parameter: Api.json

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## Notes 1. When upgrading, please refer to "[Change to Default API Version 1.1 and Compatibility with Previous Versions](/en/manual/default-api-version-1-1)". 2. When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)". ## Supported Versions #### ApiVersion / Compatibility_1_3_12 Pleasanter or later ## Setting Values The setting values ​​of this parameter file are as follows. |Parameter name|Value (e.g)|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |ApiVersion|1.1|Specify the default value of ApiVersion. | |Enabled|true|Specify enable/disable API functionality with true/false. | |PageSize|200|Specify the amount of data per page returned in the response. If set to 0, all applicable data will be obtained without paging. | |LimitPerSite|0|Limit the number of API requests available per site per day. For example, if this value is set to 1000, up to 1000 requests per site per day will be available. Set it to 0 if you want unlimited use. | |Compatibility_1_3_12|e.g., false|If set to true, the behavior will be compatible with Version 1.3.12 and earlier. | ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/default-api-version-1-1">Change to Default API Version 1.1 and Compatibility with Previous Versions</a><span>12.19.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/parameter-edit">Set Parameter: Confirmation When Changing Parameters</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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