User Manual



Developer Function: API: Site Operation: Search Index Rebuild

## Overview You can rebuild the search index via API. ## Preparation Please [Create an API Key](/manual/api-key) before performing API operations. Also, this function can only be performed by the tenant administrator, so please set up the tenant administrator from user management. ## Request Send json data in the following request format: |Setting item|Value| |:--|:--| |HTTP Method|POST| |Content-Type |application/json| |Character Code|UTF-8| |URL|http://{server name}/api/backgroundtasks/{site ID}/rebuildsearchindexes (*1)| |Body|Refer to the json data below| (*1) Please edit the {server name} and {site ID} parts to suit your environment as appropriate. ##### JSON ``` { "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ApiKey": "xxxxx..." } ``` ## Response If successful, the following response will be returned. ##### JSON ``` { "Id": 1, "StatusCode": 200, "Message": "Search index rebuild completed." } ```
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