User Manual



Developer Function: API: User Operation: Delete User

## Overview You can delete records using the API. ## Preparation Please [Create an API Key](/manual/api-key) before performing API operations. Also, this function can only be performed by the tenant administrator, so please set up the tenant administrator from user management. ## Request Send json data in the following request format: |Setting item|Value| |:--|:--| |HTTP Method|POST| |Content-Type |application/json| |Character Code|UTF-8| |URL|http://{server name}/api/users/{user ID}/delete (*1)| |Body|Please refer to the json data below| (*1) Please edit the {server name} and {user ID} parts to suit your environment as appropriate. For, the format is as follows: https\://{user ID}/delete ##### JSON ``` { "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ApiKey": "620fhk448A3fa467dA816..." } ``` ## Response The json data in the following format will be returned. ##### JSON ``` { "Id": 12345, "StatusCode": 200, "Message": "\"The specified user name\" has been deleted." } ``` ## Confirmation Items in Case of Error [・Precautions when using the API and things to check if an error occurs](/manual/faq-api) [・FAQ: What to check if modified configuration files or API requests (JSON format) are not recognized correctly](/manual/faq-json-format) ## Specification Changes ***API specifications have been partially changed since November 2018.** - The URL format has been changed from '/pleasanter/api_items/xxxx' to '/pleasanter/api/items/xxxx'. - The Content-Type specification has been changed from 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' to 'application/json'.
記載された商品名、各製品名は各社の登録商標または商標です。 © Implem Inc.