Set Parameter: Authentication.json
## Notes
When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)".
## Setting Values
The setting values of this parameter file are as follows.
|Parameter name|Value (e.g.)|Description|
|Provider|null or "LDAP" or "LDAP+Local" or "Windows" |If null is specified, authentication will be performed by local users. If "LDAP" is specified, external LDAP authentication such as AD will be used. If "LDAP+Local" is specified, if login fails with LDAP authentication, login will be attempted with local users. If using [Integrated Windows Authentication](/manual/active-directory-sso), specify "Windows". **(Required)**|
|DsProvider|null|The default value is null. If you want to explicitly use "Novell.Directory.Ldap" as the LDAP authentication library, specify "Novell". |
|ServiceId|null|Cannot be changed. |
|ExtensionUrl|null|Cannot be changed. |
|RejectUnregisteredUser|true|If true, logins by users not registered in Pleasanter are rejected. If false and using LDAP authentication, authenticated users are automatically registered in Pleasanter. |
|LdapParameters|JSON array| Advanced settings required for LDAP authentication. Multiple LDAP servers can be specified as a JSON array. No setting is required for local authentication. |
|LdapSearchRoot|"LDAP://dc.example.local/dc=example,dc=local"|Specify the start location of the LDAP search. **LDAP is written in uppercase**. **(Required for LDAP authentication)**|
|LdapSearchProperty|"sAMAccountName"|Name of the attribute used for login. **(Required for LDAP authentication)**|
|LdapSearchPattern|(&(account={loginId})(deptcode=12345))|Search pattern for retrieving user information after login. Useful if login info cannot be obtained with "SearchProperty=loginId" (such as narrowing down to a specific department from users who belong to multiple departments). |
|LdapLoginPattern|null|If null, replace the input account with "{loginId}" in "uid={loginId},ou=people,o=example,c=com". |Set the pattern of the login account to the LDAP server. Supports the format uid=xx,ou=xx,o=xx,c=xx for OpenLDAP. |
|LdapAuthenticationType|null|Supports servers that do not support SASL. If null, use Simple authentication. |
|NetBiosDomainName|"EXAMPLE"|Enter the NetBios name of the domain **in uppercase. (Required for single sign-on using Windows authentication.)** |
|LdapTenantId|1|Cannot be changed. |
|LdapDeptCode|"departmentNumber"|Name of the attribute used for the department code. |
|LdapDeptCodePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the department code.|
|LdapDeptName|"department"|Name of the attribute used for the department code. |
|LdapDeptNamePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the department code. *1|
|LdapUserCode|"employeeNumber"|Name of the attribute used for the user code. |
|LdapUserCodePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the user code. *1|
|LdapFirstName|"givenName"|Name of the attribute used for the first name. |
|LdapFirstNamePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the first name. *1|
|LdapLastName|"sn"|Name of the attribute used for the last name. |
|LdapLastNamePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the last name. *1|
|LdapMailAddress|"mail"|Name of the attribute used for the user's email address. |
|LdapMailAddressPattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the user's email address. *1|
|LdapExtendedAttributes|JSON array|The following three parameters are stored as an array with one record. Multiple columns can be specified. *Example is shown below *2|
|Name|"DisplayName"|Name of the attribute to be additionally acquired. |
|Pattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the additional acquired. *1|
|ColumnName|"ClassA"|Pleasanter column name to store the additional acquired value. |
|LdapSyncPageSize|0|Supports changes to PageSize during LdapSync. Set -1 for servers that cannot specify PageSize. If the column is absent or 0, the default remains 1000. |
|LdapSyncPatterns|"(&(ObjectCategory=User)(ObjectClass=Person))"|Search pattern for searching for users. *3|
|LdapGroupName|"cn"|Name of the attribute used for the group name. |
|LdapGroupNamePattern|null|Regular expression to extract part of the group name. *1|
|LdapSyncGroupPatterns|"(&(ObjectCategory=Group))"|Search pattern for searching for groups. *3 *4|
|LdapExcludeAccountDisabled|true|Flag to not import disabled users. |
|AutoDisable|true|Flag to reflect disabled accounts in Pleasanter's user information for accounts that are not subject to authentication in LDAP. |
|AutoEnable|true|Flag to reflect enabled accounts in Pleasanter's user information for accounts that are subject to authentication in LDAP. |
|LdapSyncUser|"DomainUserName"|Username used for synchronizing with LDAP. In Linux, specify the user logon name including the domain (e.g.: hayato@implem.local). In Windows, it is not necessary to specify the domain name. |
|LdapSyncPassword|"********"|Password for the user used to synchronize with LDAP. |
*1 The first matching string of the regular expression is used. If null, the entire string is used.
*2 To include the corresponding column in the response of "[API: User Operations: Get User](/manual/api-user-get-all)", add a column with either or both of the parameters "GridEnabled" and "EditorEnabled" set to "1" in "[Extension: Extended Columns](/manual/extended-column)".
*3 Describe the search pattern according to the reference below:
*4 If "DsProvider" is "Novell", group synchronization cannot be used.
## Example of LdapExtendedAttributes
"LdapExtendedAttributes": [
"Name": "DisplayName",
"Pattern": null,
"ColumnName": "DescriptionE"