User Manual



Set Parameter: BackgroundService.json

## Overview Set the functions executed in the background. ## Notes - When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)". - [If the deletion of system logs specified by DeleteSysLogs does not work correctly, please check here.]( - If the parameter DeleteTrashBox is enabled (true), deleted records cannot be restored. Operate with care to avoid accidentally deleting important data. ## Supported Versions #### Reminder / ReminderIgnoreConsecutiveExceptionCount 1. Pleasanter or later #### SyncByLdap / SyncByLdapTime 1. Pleasanter or later #### DeleteSysLogs / DeleteSysLogsTime 1. Pleasanter or later  #### DeleteTemporaryFiles/ DeleteTemporaryFilesTime 1. Pleasanter or later #### DeleteTrashBox / DeleteTrashBoxTime / DeleteTrashBoxRetentionPeriod 1. Pleasanter or later #### EnvironmentVariables 1. Pleasanter or later ## Setting Values The setting values for this parameter file are as follows. | Parameter name | Value (e.g) | Description | | :- | :- | :- | | EnvironmentVariables | ["Production"] | Set the environment in which the background service will run in array format (multiple settings allowed). The background service will run only in environments where the string specified here is set in DeploymentEnvironment in ["Service.json"](/manual/service-json). | | Reminder | false | Specify enable/disable API functionality with true/false. (To enable the reminder function, refer to "[Enable the reminder function of Pleasanter](/en/manual/reminder)".) | | ReminderIgnoreConsecutiveExceptionCount | 30 | The number of times consecutive exceptions to ignore in the reminder function. | | SyncByLdap | false | Specify enable/disable automatic LDAP synchronization with true/false. To enable, you must first set the parameters under LdapParameters in ["Authentication.json"](/manual/authentication-json). | | SyncByLdapTime | ["02:00"] | Time to automatically execute LDAP synchronization. *1 | | DeleteSysLogs | false | Specify enable/disable automatic deletion of system logs with true/false. If enabled, system logs that have exceeded the retention period specified by the RetentionPeriod parameter in ["SysLog.json"](/manual/sys-log-json) will be deleted. | | DeleteSysLogsTime | ["02:00"] | Time to execute the deletion of system logs. *1 | | DeleteTemporaryFiles| false | Specify enable/disable automatic deletion of temporary files with true/false. If enabled, files under App_Data\Temp and App_Data\Histories will be deleted if they have exceeded the period specified by the DeleteTempOldThan and DeleteHistoriesOldThan parameters in ["General.json"](/manual/general.json). | | DeleteTemporaryFilesTime| ["02:00"] | Time to execute the deletion of temporary files. *1 | | DeleteTrashBox| false | Specify enable/disable automatic deletion of records in the "[Trash](/en/manual/table-record-restore)" and records in the deleted area of the database for deleted users/groups/departments with true/false. *) Once enabled, deleted records cannot be restored, so operate carefully to avoid accidentally deleting important data. | | DeleteTrashBoxTime| ["02:00"] | Time to execute the deletion of records in the "[Trash](/en/manual/table-record-restore)" and records of deleted users/groups/departments. *1 | | DeleteTrashBoxRetentionPeriod| 90 | Specify the retention period in days for records in the "[Trash](/en/manual/table-record-restore)" and records of deleted users/groups/departments. Records will be deleted if the modified date/time of the record is older than the specified retention period at the start of processing. | *1 Describe the processing start time as a string array. 24-hour notation (HH:mm). The processing will be executed daily at the specified time. It is possible to execute multiple times in a day by describing multiple times. The described time will be treated as the time zone specified by TimeZoneDefault in ["Service.json"](/manual/service-json). If another process is executed at the specified time, it will be executed after that process finishes. If the same time is specified, the start order of processes will be indeterminate.
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