User Manual



Back Up The Database (SQL Server) in Pleasanter

## Script Emplacement Copy the script below and place it on your local disk with the file name DbBackup.vbs. - ## Parameter Change Open DbBackup.vbs in a text editor and change the values of the following variables |Variable name|Settings| |:--|:--| |server|Database server name| |db|Database catalog name| |uid|User ID with backup privileges| |pwd|Password of the above user| |path|Backup destination, file name| ## Executing Backups Run DbBackup.vbs to execute backups. To perform periodic backups, use the OS task scheduler, etc. ## Troubleshooting ### If "Access Denied" is displayed SQL Server backup data is written by the SQL Server service account, not the logged-in user. Specify write permissions for the SQL Server service account to the backup destination folder.
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