FAQ: I want to batch download attachments of multiple records in a batch process
## Answer
Please use the "[Multiple Records Retrieval API](/en/manual/api-record-get-multi)" and "[Attachment Retrieval API](/en/manual/api-attachment-get)".
## Overview
If you want to download attachments attached to multiple records in a table in batch processing, use the "[Multiple Records Retrieval API](/en/manual/api-record-get-multi)" and "[Attachment Retrieval API](/en/manual/api-attachment-get)". This page introduces batch processing in PowerShell.
## Limitations
1. Only one table can be specified.
1. Only one attachment item can be retrieved.
## Operation Procedure
1. Create a table and attach a file to the record.
1. Open Windows PowerShell and write the following script. Modify the "Variable Definition" according to your environment.
1. Execute the PowerShell script you created.
### Execution result
A folder with the record ID is created in C:Works, and the file attached to the Attachment A item is downloaded under it.

## Sample Code
##### PowerShell
Variable definition location
User must change
# Download path (specify as "C:\work")
$toPath = 'XXXX'
# On Pleasanter (specify as protocol + domain "https://pleasanter.net/fs")
$baseUri = 'XXXX'
# API key
$apiKey = 'XXXX'
# Site ID of table
$siteId = 'XXXX'
# Initialize offset
$offSet = 0
# Set ApiVersion
$apiVersion = 0
# Set method
$method = 'XXXX'
# Set ContentType
$contentType = 'XXXX'
# Select attachment item to get
$attachment = 'XXXX'
Logic definition part
No changes required by users
try {
# File download process
do {
# JSON contents
$jsonData = @{
'ApiVersion' = $apiVersion
'ApiKey' = $apiKey
'Offset' = $offSet
# Convert to text format
$json = $jsonData|ConvertTo-Json
# Set URI
$itemUri = $baseUri + '/api/items/' + $siteId + '/get'
# Access a web page and assign the response
$responseData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $itemUri -ContentType $contentType -Method $method -Body $json
# Assign the information used in the process up to one level
$response = ($responseData.Content|ConvertFrom-Json).Response
# Assign the number of records that can be held per page
$pageSize = $response.PageSize
# Assign the total number of records recorded in the table
$totalCount = $response.TotalCount
# Assign record information
$records = $response.Data
# Iterating through records
foreach ($record in $records) {
# Assign the record's ResultId
$id = $record.ResultId
# Assign download destination folder path
$folderPath = $toPath + '\' + $id
# If the folder does not exist, continue processing
if (-not(Test-Path $folderPath)) {
# Create a download folder
New-Item -Path $folderPath -Type Directory
# If the folder exists
} else {
write-host 'Folder exists'
# Assign the contents of the response's AttachmentsHash
$recordLinks = $record.AttachmentsHash
# Iterating over data
foreach ($recordLink in $recordLinks){
# Assign the contents of AttachmentsA
$attachments = $recordLink.$attachment
# Iterating over files
foreach ($attachment in $attachments) {
# Assign file name
$name = $attachment.Name
# Assign Guid
$guId = $attachment.Guid
# If the file exists in the download source, continue processing.
if (-not($name -eq $null)) {
# Assign the download source path based on the GUID
$uri = $baseUri + '/api/binaries/' + $guId + '/get'
# Access a web page and assign the response
$responseData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -ContentType $contentType -Method $method -Body $json
# Assign Base64 to each file
$base64 = ($responseData.Content|ConvertFrom-Json).Response.Base64
# Decode $base64
$byte = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64)
# Assign output file name
$toFileName = $toPath + '\' + $id + '\' + $name
# Continue if file does not exist
if (-not(Test-Path $toFileName)) {
# Create a file in the download destination
New-Item -Path $folderPath -Name $name -Type File
# Write $src to the destination file
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($folderPath + '\' + $name,$byte)
# If the file exists
} else {
Write-Host 'File exists'
$offSet = $offSet + $pageSize
} while ($totalCount -ge $offSet)
write-host 'Download completed'
} catch {
## Related Information
<div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/api-record-get-multi">Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Retrieve Multiple Records</a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li>
<li><a href="/en/manual/api-attachment-get">Developer Function: API: Table Operation: Retrieve Attachments</a><span>10.01.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />