User Manual



Set up to send notifications to Chatwork

## Prerequisite Register as a user of Chatwork. ## Get room ID and API token Log in to chatwork. ### Get room ID 1. Note the number to the right of #!rid in the URL. This number is the room ID. ![image]( ### Get API token 1. Click on your user name in the upper right corner of the screen to open preferences. ![image]( 1. Click API Token on the left side of the screen to open API Token settings. ![image]( 1. Enter your chatwork password and click the "Display" button. ![image]( 1. Note the API token displayed. ![image]( ## Pleasanter Setting 1. Select the table to set up notifications and open the 「Table Management」 - 「Notification」 tab. Click the "Create New" button. ![image]( 2. Select "Chatwork" in the Notification Types. Enter the following in the Address and Token fields and click the "Add" button. * Address →{room ID}/messages Replace the {room ID} portion with the room ID that you have been noting. * Token → Anticipated API Token ![image]( 3. Click the "Update" button. This completes this procedure. ![image](
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