User Manual



Department Management Function: Restore from Trash

## Overview Restore deleted departments using the "[Trash](/en/manual/table-record-restore)". Restoration can be performed for multiple users at once. ## Limitations 1. If "Restore" in ["Deleted.json"](/en/manual/deleted-json) is false, the "Restore" button will not be displayed, and the operation cannot be performed. ## Prerequisites 1. "Tenant Administrator Privileges" are required for this operation. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the "Manage" menu and click "Department Management". 1. Open the "Management" menu and click "[Trash](/en/manual/table-record-restore)". 1. A list of users stored in the trash will be displayed, so search for the target user. 1. Check the organization you want to restore. The check box is the leftmost column of each record. Also, check the check box in the header row if you want to select all. 1. Click the "Restore" button. 1. A confirmation dialog will be displayed, so click "OK". 1. When the message "XX item restored" appears at the bottom of the screen, the process is complete.
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