User Manual



FAQ: I want to get the display name via API

## Answer Specify the ApiDataType property of "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)" as "KeyValues". --- ## Overview When retrieving information about a child table using the API, the value of the linked item in the response is usually the record ID (the target record in the parent table), but by specifying the ApiDataType property of "[View](/en/manual/table-management-view)" as "KeyValues", the response will be returned with the display name (the title of the target record in the parent table). ## Sample Data This FAQ is written based on the parent-child table and record information below. <details> <summary>Customer Master (Parent Table)</summary> |Record ID|Customer Name|Contact Person|Address|Contact Information| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |696|Work Style Reform Promotion Organization|Brown Emily|Tachikawa City, Tokyo|258-258-258| |697|Open Source Technology Co., Ltd.|Yoichi Suzuki|Toshima Ward, Tokyo|555-555-555| |698|Productivity Improvement Committee|Keiko Tanaka|Ota Ward, Tokyo|999-999-999| |699|Web Database Development Co., Ltd.|Hiroshi Watanabe|Nerima Ward, Tokyo|789-789-789| |700|Information Sharing Innovation Research Institute|Yoko Yamamoto|Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo|333-333-333| |701|Non Programming Co., Ltd.|Nakamura Takashi|Kokubunji, Tokyo|456-456-456| |702|Management Comfort Holdings|Makoto Kato|Nakano, Tokyo|123-123-123| |703|Pleasanter Co., Ltd.|Miki Saito|Chuo, Tokyo|111-111-111| </details> <details> <summary>Negotiations (child table)</summary> <br> The Customer (Class A) option list is linked to the customer master. <br> |Record ID|Subject|Expected order date|Status|Administrator|Contact|Customer|Product category|Probability|Sales|Total purchase|Gross profit|Gross profit margin| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |704|Testing AI technology|45219|Inquiry|Haruka Sasaki|Haruka Sasaki|Management Comfort Holdings|Consulting|0.9|1.5 million|1.1 million|4 million|26.7| |705|Migrating groupware to a cloud environment|45226|Proposal|Brown Emily|Brown Emily|Pleasanter Co., Ltd.|System development|0.9|4200000|0|4200000|100| |706|Development of environmental monitoring system in food factories|45212|Negotiations|Yoichi Suzuki|Yoichi Suzuki|Open Source Technology Co., Ltd.|System development|0.5|4500000|3207000|1293000|28.7| |707|Sales of graphing tools|45212|Inquiries|Keiko Tanaka|Keiko Tanaka|Non Programming Co., Ltd.|Software sales|0.5|320000|280000|40000|12.5| |708|Business improvement consulting|45221|Proposal|Hiroshi Watanabe|Hiroshi Watanabe Hiroshi|Work style reform promotion organization|Consulting|0.3|1,350,000|638,000|712,000|52.7| |709|Development of additional functions for sales support tools|45228|Negotiations|Yoko Yamamoto|Yoko Yamamoto|Information Sharing Innovation Research Institute|System development|0.9|540,000|440,000|100,000|18.5| |710|Sales of document management software|45233|Contracts|Takashi Nakamura|Yoshiko Kobayashi|Web Database Development Co., Ltd.|Software sales|0.5|688,000|549,000|139,000|20.2| </details> ## ①Normal Response <details> <summary>Sample code (Python)</summary> <br> In this sample, we will get record information in the sales negotiation (child table) where the product category (Class B) is set to System development. <br> ``` import requests import json # Specify site ID site_id = 620 # Specify API key api_key = "de06bdbced9d395f1cf3f7afb8b084f95718e2cfb7f0759efd13210e386b4b954dbf70cbfe6f56e32492c098816a45e37616f1ec2da0ea71d2f10527795225a2" # Specify API URL url = f"http://localhost/api/items/{site_id}/get" # Specify data to send data = { "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ApiKey": api_key, "View": { "ColumnFilterHash": { "ClassB": "[\"System Development\"]" } } } # Send POST request response =, json=data) # Process response if response.status_code == 200: response_data = json.loads(response.content) print(json.dumps(response_data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) else: print(f"ErrorCode: {response.status_code}") print(response.text) ``` </details> <details> <summary>Response</summary> The response's customer (Class A) value is returned as the ID of each record in the customer master (parent table). ``` { "StatusCode": 200, "Response": { "Offset": 0, "PageSize": 200, "TotalCount": 3, "Data": [ { "SiteId": 620, "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-27T10:41:00", "IssueId": 709, "Ver": 1, "Title": "Development of additional functions for sales support tools", "Body": "We will add an overtime management function to the personnel system that we have been developing from scratch for the past five years.\r\nWe will place an order with R Company, which has been in charge of this system since its inception, and develop it.", "StartTime": "2023-10-05T00:00:00", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-29T00:00:00", "WorkValue": 0.0, "ProgressRate": 0.0, "RemainingWorkValue": 0.0, "Status": 200, "Manager": 13, "Owner": 13, "Locked": false, "Comments": "[]", "Creator": 13, "Updator": 13, "CreatedTime": "2023-09-27T10:41:00", "ItemTitle": "Development of additional functions for sales support tools", "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ClassHash": { "ClassA": "700", "ClassB": "System development", "ClassC": "90%" }, "NumHash": { "NumA": 540000.0, "NumB": 440000.0, "NumC": 100000.0, "NumD": 18.5 }, "DateHash": {}, "DescriptionHash": {}, "CheckHash": {}, "AttachmentsHash": { "AttachmentsA": [] } }, { "SiteId": 620, "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-26T16:56:00", "IssueId": 705, "Ver": 1, "Title": "Migrating groupware to a cloud environment", "Body": "Due to the aging of the hardware, we will be migrating the groupware to a cloud environment.\r\nWe will be using technical consulting from Company I to convert the data to the new version. \r\n\r\n", "StartTime": "2023-09-29T00:00:00", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-27T00:00:00", "WorkValue": 0.0, "ProgressRate": 0.0, "RemainingWorkValue": 0.0, "Status": 150, "Manager": 9, "Owner": 9, "Locked": false, "Comments": "[]", "Creator": 9, "Updator": 9, "CreatedTime": "2023-09-26T16:56:00", "ItemTitle": "Migration of groupware to cloud environment", "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ClassHash": { "ClassA": "703", "ClassB": "System development", "ClassC": "90%" }, "NumHash": { "NumA": 4200000.0, "NumB": 0.0, "NumC": 4200000.0, "NumD": 100.0 }, "DateHash": {}, "DescriptionHash": {}, "CheckHash": {}, "AttachmentsHash": { "AttachmentsA": [] } }, { "SiteId": 620, "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-26T09:22:00", "IssueId": 706, "Ver": 1, "Title": "Development of environmental monitoring system in food factories", "Body": "We received a request to develop a system that places sensors to measure temperature and humidity in six food factories in the Kanto region and monitors changes in condition.\r\nWe propose to implement the sensors with Arduino and connect them to a data center via on-site WiFi.\r\nWe propose to customize the D company package for the monitoring and analysis system. \r\n", "StartTime": "2023-10-02T00:00:00", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-13T00:00:00", "WorkValue": 0.0, "ProgressRate": 0.0, "RemainingWorkValue": 0.0, "Status": 200, "Manager": 10, "Owner": 10, "Locked": false, "Comments": "[]", "Creator": 10, "Updator": 10, "CreatedTime": "2023-09-26T09:22:00", "ItemTitle": "Development of environmental monitoring system in food factory", "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ClassHash": { "ClassA": "697", "ClassB": "System Development", "ClassC": "50%" }, "NumHash": { "NumA": 4500000.0, "NumB": 3207000.0, "NumC": 1293000.0, "NumD": 28.7 }, "DateHash": {}, "DescriptionHash": {}, "CheckHash": {}, "AttachmentsHash": { "AttachmentsA": [] } } ] } } ``` </details> ## ②When The Response Format Is Changed to The Display Name You can change the response format to return the display name by specifying the ApiDataType property in the view of the data to be sent. For details on the ApiDataType property, please refer to the following manual. [Developer Features: JSON Data Layout: View]( <details> <summary>Sample code (Python)</summary> <br> Added the ApiDataType property and the related ApiColumnKeyDisplayType and ApiColumnValueDisplayType properties to the View, so that the Key of each response item is returned as the column name (ColumnName) and the Value is returned as the display name (DisplayValue). <br> ``` import requests import json # Specify site ID site_id = 620 # Specify API key api_key = "xxxxx..." # Specify API URL url = f"http://localhost/api/items/{site_id}/get" # Specify data to send data = { "ApiVersion": 1.1, "ApiKey": api_key, "View": { "ApiDataType": "KeyValues", "ColumnFilterHash": { "ClassB": "[\"System Development\"]" }, "ApiColumnKeyDisplayType": "ColumnName", "ApiColumnValueDisplayType": "DisplayValue" } } # Send POST request response =, json=data) # Process response if response.status_code == 200: response_data = json.loads(response.content) print(json.dumps(response_data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) else: print(f"ErrorCode: {response.status_code}") print(response.text) ``` </details> <details> <summary>Response</summary> <br> Unlike the response above, customers (ClassA) are returned by display name, not record ID. <br> ``` { "StatusCode": 200, "Response": { "Offset": 0, "PageSize": 200, "TotalCount": 3, "Data": [ { "IssueId": 709, "ClassA": "Information Sharing Innovation Research Institute", "TitleBody": "Development of additional functions for sales support tools\nWe will add an overtime management function to the personnel system that has been developed from scratch for the past five years.\r\nWe will place an order with R Company, which has been in charge of this system since its inception, and carry out the development.", "Comments": null, "ClassB": "System development", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-29T00:00:00", "Status": "Negotiation", "ClassC": "90%", "NumA": 540000.0, "NumB": 440000.0, "NumC": 100000.0, "NumD": 18.5, "Manager": "Yoko Yamamoto", "Owner": "Yoko Yamamoto", "Updator": "Yoko Yamamoto", "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-27T10:41:00", "Title": "Development of additional functions for sales support tool" }, { "IssueId": 705, "ClassA": "Pleasanter Co., Ltd.", "TitleBody": "Migration of groupware to cloud environment\nDue to the aging of the hardware, we will migrate the groupware to a cloud environment.\r\nSince it is necessary to convert the data to the new version, we will use the technical consultant of I company. \r\n\r\n", "Comments": null, "ClassB": "System Development", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-27T00:00:00", "Status": "Proposal", "ClassC": "90%", "NumA": 4200000.0, "NumB": 0.0, "NumC": 4200000.0, "NumD": 100.0, "Manager": "Brown Emily", "Owner": "Brown Emily", "Updator": "Brown Emily", "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-26T16:56:00", "Title": "Migration of groupware to cloud environment" }, { "IssueId": 706, "ClassA": "Open Source Technology Co., Ltd.", "TitleBody": "Development of environmental monitoring system in food factory\nWe received a request to develop a system that places sensors to measure temperature and humidity in six food factories in the Kanto region and monitors changes in condition.\r\nWe propose a method to implement the sensors with Arduino and connect them to a data center via WiFi on the premises.\r\nWe propose a method to customize and introduce a D company package for the monitoring and analysis system.\r\n", "Comments": null, "ClassB": "System development", "CompletionTime": "2023-10-13T00:00:00", "Status": "Negotiation", "ClassC": "50%", "NumA": 4500000.0, "NumB": 3207000.0, "NumC": 1293000.0, "NumD": 28.7, "Manager": "Yoichi Suzuki", "Owner": "Yoichi Suzuki", "Updator": "Yoichi Suzuki", "UpdatedTime": "2023-09-26T09:22:00", "Title": "Development of environmental monitoring system in food factories" } ] } } ``` </details> ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-view">Manage Table: View</a><span>10.03.2024 up</span></li></ul></article> <ul><li><a href="/en/manual/api-view">Developer Function: JSON Data Layout: View</a><span>01.06.2025 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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