FAQ: I want to know how to back up and restore the database data of Pleasanter installed on Azure.
## Answer
The "[Backup](/en/manual/faq-backup-and-restore)" of Azure SQL Database is performed automatically on Azure, so manual backup is not required.
## Overview
The backup of Azure SQL Database is performed automatically on Azure, so manual backup is not required. For details, please refer to the Microsoft documentation below.
For DB restoration procedures, please refer to the Microsoft documentation below.
・How to restore from Azure Portal
・How to restore using SQL Server Management Studio
Also, if the version of Pleasanter is different when the backup is taken and after the restore, you may need to upgrade Pleasanter.
Please refer to "[Pleasanter Version Upgrade Procedure (Azure App Service)](/en/manual/version-up-azure)" for the upgrade procedure.
## Related Information
<div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/faq-backup-and-restore">FAQ: How to backup and restore Pleasanter's DB data</a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li>
<li><a href="/en/manual/faq-backup-schedule">FAQ: I want to backup Pleasanter' DB data regularly (SQL Server)</a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />