User Manual



FAQ: How do I set up reminders when building a Pleasanter on Azure?

**In Pleasanter version and later, you can now run "「Reminder」" by setting "Reminder" to true in the configuration file "[BackgroundService.json](/en/manual/background-service-json)". This FAQ is for Pleasanter versions prior to 1.3.6.** ## Answer Set "Reminder.ps1" in the Tools folder using the "Web Job" function of AppService. --- ## Overview Use the "Web Job" function to run a script as a resident program in AppService. ## Operation Procedure 1.Download the Reminder.ps1 file from [here]( 2.Open the downloaded Reminder.ps1 file, enable the comment out on the first line (remove the #), change the "http://localhost/" part to a URL that can be accessed from the client, and save it. 3.Select the Pleasanter App Service in the Azure Portal 4.Select [Web Job] from the list of features on the left 5.Click "+ Add" on the menu bar 6.Enter a job name (any name) and upload the "Reminder.ps1" file saved in step 2.   When doing so, select "Continuous" for "Type" and "Single Instance" for "Scale" ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"> <article class="s-blog_list_unit"><h2> <h2>The specified information was not found.</h2> <p><a href="/ja/manual">Return to top</a></p> </article> </div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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