FAQ: How can I get the ID of a record I created?
## Answer
Please use "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)".
## Overview
If you want to create a new record in the parent table and a linked record in the child table at the same time, and you want to get the ID of the newly created record, you need to implement "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)".
This is a sample of creating a record in the checklist table (child) linked to the record created in the customer table (parent).
## Preparation
This FAQ will proceed based on the parent-child table shown below.

The item used for the link in the checklist table (child) is Class A. Please refer to the following page for how to set up the link.
[Table Management: Editor: Detailed Item Settings: Choices: Link \| Pleasanter](https://pleasanter.org/manual/table-management-choices-text-link)
## Operation Procedure
1. Register the following script in script in the table management of the customer table (parent). The execution timing is "Create new".
1. Create a new record in the customer table.
1. Go to the checklist table.
1. Confirm that a record linked to the record created in 2. has been created.
## Sample Code
##### JavaScript
$p.events.before_set_Create = function (args) {
function craeteCheckListRecored(recordId) {
id: 242196,
data: {
Offset: 0,
Title: 'This record was created when a record was created in the customer table.',
ClassA: recordId
done: (data) => {
fail: (data) => {
### Supplementary Explanation
The part below obtains the record ID when a record is created in the above script.
##### JavaScript
$p.events.before_set_Create = function (args) {
The created record information is stored in the response (args) when the "$p.events.before_set_Create" event is executed.
You can check the record ID with "args.json[0].Value".
## Related Information
<div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-script">Table Management: Script</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />