User Manual



FAQ: If you haven't operated the app for a while, it takes a long time to access the app for the first time.

## Answer Change the IIS setting "Idle Timeout Action" from "Terminate" to "Suspend". --- ## Overview When you access another page after not using it for a while, it may take a long time. This is because the default IIS setting stops the worker process after it has been idle (unaccessed) for a certain period of time, so the first request after that takes a long time. By changing the setting, the worker process will be swapped out without being stopped, which will shorten the response time when you re-request. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open IIS Manager. 1. Select the application pool used by Pleasanter (the default setting is DefaultAppPool) and select Application Pool Default Settings. 1. Change "Idle Timeout Action" in "Process Model" from "Terminate" to "Suspend". ![image](
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