FAQ: Expressing a many-to-many relationship
## Answer
Please use one of the following functions.
1. Set "[Multiple Selection](/en/manual/table-management-multiple-selections)"
1. Create an intermediate table
## Overview
When using the "[Link](/en/manual/table-management-choices-text-link)" function, normally only one parent table can be selected from a child table, resulting in a 1 (parent): N (child) relationship. If you want to express a many-to-many relationship of N (parent): N (child), please follow the following settings.
## Method 1 Use Multiple Selection Of Links.
By setting "[Multiple Selection](/en/manual/table-management-multiple-selections)", you can select multiple parent tables from a child table.
## Method 2 Express A Many-to-Many Relationship Using An Intermediate Table.
Here is an example of using an intermediate table to link relationships in which multiple members are in charge of multiple projects.
## Configuration
・Create three recorded tables for members, projects in charge, and projects.
・Link the responsible project (child table) to the member (parent table) and project (parent table).
*The responsible project is the intermediate table.
## Usage Example
In the responsible project, you can enter column from both the linked member and project tables.
You can link and register which member is in charge of which project and who is in charge of the target project.
## Related Information
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