User Manual



FAQ: I want to migrate Pleasanter, which is running on PostgreSQL 14, to a PostgreSQL 15 environment.

## Answer Combine the restore process of the old environment (PostgresSQL14) and the Pleasanter installation process of the new environment (PostgresSQL15). --- ## Overview This procedure assumes the following contents. ・The environment where PostgreSQL version 14 is installed is called the **old server**, and the environment where version 15 is installed is called the **new server**. ・The new server has completed the installation of the OS.**<span style="color: red; ">*Pleasanter and PostgreSQL are not installed.</span>** ・There is a working terminal that can connect to both the old and new servers.*This procedure assumes a Windows terminal. ・The old server has been installed using the procedure described in the user manual. *A database (Implem.Pleasanter) exists in the public schema. ### Environment Information The environment information for the old and new servers described in the procedure is as follows.*As stated in the above assumptions, the new server has completed the installation of the OS before carrying out the procedure. #### Old Server ・OS: AlmaLinux 9.2 ・DB: PostgreSQL14 ・Pleasanter: #### New Server ・OS: AlmaLinux 9.2 ・DB: PostgreSQL15 ・Pleasanter: * supports PostgreSQL15, and the specification is changed so that a database is not created in the public schema when running CodeDefiner for installation. ## Operation Procedure 1. On the old server, use the following command to obtain a backup of PostgreSQL. ``` pg_dumpall --roles-only > /backup/Implem.Pleasanter_role.dump pg_dump -Fc Implem.Pleasanter > /backup/Implem.Pleasanter.dump ``` 2. Copy the backup file obtained in 1 above to the new server. In this procedure, we will copy it to the "/backup" directory on the new server as follows.  ・/backup/Implem.Pleasanter_role.dump  ・/backup/Implem.Pleasanter.dump 3. Copy the "/web/pleasanter/Implem.Pleasanter/App_Data/Parameters" directory, which contains the parameters of the pleasanter on the old server, to the work terminal. In this procedure, we will copy it to the "C:\backup" folder as shown below.  ・C:\backup\Parameters 4. Download the module of the target version ( on the work terminal. 5. Extract the module (zip) downloaded in 4 above. In this procedure, we will extract it to the "C:\work" folder. 6. Compare the parameter files under each folder below and merge the setting values. *We recommend using a tool such as WinMerge to compare and merge.  ・"C:\backup\Parameters" folder from 3 above  ・"C:\work\pleasanter\Implem.Pleasanter\App_Data\Parameters" folder from 5 above *Merge with the files under this folder. 7. On the new server, refer to the following user manual and perform "PostgreSQL setup". *The Postgres user password is assumed to be the same as the old server.  ・[Install Pleasanter on AlmaLinux]( 8. On the new server, execute the following command to create a database. ``` psql -U postgres -c 'create database "Implem.Pleasanter";' psql -U postgres -c 'create extension if not exists pg_trgm;' ``` 9. Use the backup file copied in 2 above to restore the role and database with the following command. ``` psql -f /backup/Implem.Pleasanter_role.dump pg_restore -d Implem.Pleasanter /backup/Implem.Pleasanter.dump ``` 10. Place the modules organized in 6 above on the new server. The image after placement is as follows.*Please change the directory permissions as appropriate.  ・/web/pleasanter/Implem.Pleasanter  ・/web/pleasanter/Implem.CodeDefiner 11. On the new server, refer to the following user manual and perform the subsequent steps from "Running CodeDefiner".  ・[Install Pleasanter on AlmaLinux]( 12. Confirm that Pleasanter starts on the new server.
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