FAQ: Can I delete tables starting with _Migrated?
## Answer
After the upgrade is successful, deleting these will not affect the operation of Pleasanter.
## Overview
When performing a "[Version Upgrade](/en/manual/release-notes-core)", Pleasanter may migrate the table configuration. Tables with names beginning with _Migrated are backups of the table configuration and data before migration. After the upgrade is successful, deleting these will not affect the operation of Pleasanter. In this procedure, we will delete tables with names beginning with _Migrated that were generated during the version upgrade.
## Notes
1. This procedure involves directly manipulating the database, which carries risks. We strongly recommend that you take a "[Backup](/en/manual/faq-backup-and-restore)" in advance.
## Prerequisites
1. SQL Server Management Studio must be installed.
1. The environment in which SQL Server Management Studio is installed and the database environment must be able to connect.
## Operation Procedure
**This procedure is intended for environments that use SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.**
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Pleasanter database server.
1. Expand "Databases", "Implem.Pleasanter", and "[Table](/en/manual/table)" from the "Object Explorer" tree.
1. Right-click the table that begins with _Migrated and click "Delete (D)".
1. Verify that the table that begins with _Migrated has been deleted.
## Related Information
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