FAQ: How can I prevent access logs from a specific IP address from being recorded in the SysLogs table?
## Answer
Please set "NotLoggingIp" in the parameter "[SysLog.json](/en/manual/sys-log-json)".
## Overview
Pleasanter records system logs in the SysLogs table of the database. If you use a monitoring system, the majority of the SysLogs table may be occupied by the access logs. To prevent access logs from monitoring systems, set the IP address of the system you want to suppress logging, such as the monitoring system, in the "NotLoggingIp" parameter of "[SysLog.json](/en/manual/sys-log-json)".
## Operation
1. Open the SysLog.json file in the Parameters folder.
1. Enter the IP address in the NotLoggingIp field in an array format as shown below. When entering multiple IP addresses, enter them separated by commas.
##### JSON
"RetentionPeriod": 90,
"NotLoggingIp":[ "", "" ]
1. Restart the web server or Pleasanter.
1. Open the SysLogs table and confirm that no access logs are being recorded from the IP address set in step 2.
## Related Information
<div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/sys-log-json">Set Parameter: SysLog.json</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />