User Manual



FAQ: Changes made to the parameter file are not reflected

## Answer Please restart Pleasanter after changing the parameter contents. --- ## Overview If you change the file under Pleasanter's App_DataParameters folder and save it as is, the file will not be reflected. Pleasanter reads the file under the Parameters folder when the app is launched and displays the app. Therefore, when changing the file under the Parameters folder, you must stop the service once, change the contents of the parameter file, and then restart the service. ## Operation Procedure ### 1. For Windows (IIS) environment 1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. *If you are using Windows, enter "IIS" in the search box at the bottom left of the screen and it will be displayed as a search suggestion. 1. In the "Connection" column of IIS, select localhost at the top of the tree structure. *The operation column is displayed on the right side of the screen. Check whether there is a server management column in it. If not, you may have selected a different part such as Default Web Site in the "Connection" column. 1. Click the "Restart" link in the "Server Management" column on the right of the screen (if IIS was stopped before rewriting the Parameters folder, click the "Start" link). 1. After restarting IIS, open Pleasanter. 1. Verify that the changed parameters are reflected. ### 2. For Linux environment 1. Restart the Presenter service. ``` sudo systemctl restart pleasanter ``` 1. After restarting the service, open Pleasanter. 1. Verify that the changed parameters are reflected. ### 3. For Azure App Service environment 1. Log in to the Azure Portal. 1. Select the App Service instance where you installed Pleasanter. 1. Make sure that "Overview" is selected in the menu on the left of App Service, and click "Restart". 1. After restarting App Service, open Pleasanter. 1. Verify that the changed parameters are reflected.
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