User Manual



FAQ: I want to install Pleasanter or earlier in a Linux environment with PostgreSQL version 14 or earlier.

## Answer Please create a PostgreSQL database and install the full-text search module (pg_trgm) manually. --- ## Overview This is the procedure for installing Pleasanter or earlier in a Linux environment using PostgreSQL version 14 or earlier. ## Operation Procedure The basic installation procedure is described in the manual below. ・[Installing Pleasanter on Ubuntu | Pleasanter](/manual/getting-started-pleasanter-ubuntu) ・ [Installing Pleasanter on CentOS | Pleasanter](/manual/getting-started-pleasanter-centos) ・[Installing Pleasanter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Pleasanter](/manual/getting-started-pleasanter-rhel) ・[Installing Pleasanter on AlmaLinux | Pleasanter]( When installing Pleasanter version or earlier, you must manually create a PostgreSQL database and install the full-text search module (pg_trgm). After installing PostgreSQL, create a database install the full-text search module according to the following procedure, and then follow the subsequent steps described in the manual above. ### Setting The PostgreSQL User Set a password for the PostgreSQL administration user "postgres" (OS user). ``` sudo passwd postgres ``` ``` sudo su - postgres psql -U postgres ``` Set the password for the PostgreSQL administration user "postgres". ``` postgres=# alter role postgres with password '<new password>'; ``` ### Creating A Database For Pleasanter Create the database "Implem.Pleasanter". ``` postgres=# create database "Implem.Pleasanter"; ``` Check the created DB with the following command. ``` postgres=# \l ``` ### Installing The Full-text Search Module (pg_trgm) Install the module (pg_trgm) required for full-text search of text. ``` postgres=# \c "Implem.Pleasanter" Implem.Pleasanter=# create extension pg_trgm; ```
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