User Manual



FAQ: What is the maximum number of sites that can be created and the maximum number of registered records?

## Answer As a rough guide, you should aim for around 2,000 sites and 100,000 records per site. --- ## Overview Please see below for the maximum number of "[Site](/en/manual/site)" such as "[Table](/en/manual/table)" and "[Folder](/en/manual/folder)" that can be created, and the maximum number of records that can be registered to a table. For, the upper limit is set by the plan. For details, see the URL below. | Site type | System limit | Maximum value | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Site | None | 2,000 | | Folder hierarchy | None | 5 | | Number of records | None | 100,000 | | Number of users | None | 10,000 | | Number of organizations | None | 10,000 | | Number of groups | None | 10,000 | ### Maximum Value This is not a system limit, but please use it as a guide to the maximum value. A large number of records may affect performance. Performance may deteriorate due to a combination of factors such as access control settings, link settings, filter search conditions, number of items, amount of characters stored in items, hardware performance, and number of simultaneous accesses. Therefore, even if the number of records is within the maximum value range, there are cases where sufficient performance is not achieved. Pleasanter's performance varies greatly depending on the server's capabilities and, as mentioned above, how the site is constructed. In fact, there are many examples where Pleasanter has demonstrated excellent performance under conditions that exceed the guidelines, but prior verification is essential to achieve optimal performance for individual environments and requirements. We can provide individual advice and support to optimize performance to suit your specific needs, so please feel free to contact us for a consultation.
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