User Manual



FAQ: How to reduce the amount of logs output from SQL Server to the Windows Event Viewer

## Answer Disable the SQL Server "Automatic Termination Option." --- ## Overview If the SQL Server setting "Automatic Termination Option" is enabled, the database will automatically terminate and start whenever it is accessed. At this time, logs are output to the Windows Event Viewer, so depending on the situation, a large amount of logs may be output. Below is the setting to disable the automatic termination option to reduce log output. ## Operation Procedure 1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Pleasanter database server. 1. From the "Object Explorer" tree, right-click "Database" and "Implem.Pleasanter" and click Properties. 1. From the Properties menu, select "Options" and select "Automatic Termination" from the displayed parameter list. 1. Change the setting value of Automatic Termination to "False" and click "OK". ![image](
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