User Manual



FAQ: When i run CodeDefiner, i get the error "Implem.CodeDefiner has stopped working"

## Answer Delete the Full-Text index on the Items table. --- ## Overview If the following error occurs when you run CodeDefiner to upgrade Pleasanter, delete the Full-Text index on the Items table and run CodeDefiner again. ``` <ERROR> <>c.<Configure>b__0_0: [7613] Index 'Pk_3b080bff5d141a4f986ea165c2ac266b8843b41749ad8a162ea5310ff5c61ac3' cannot be deleted. This index sets the full-text key on the table or indexed view 'Items'. The constraint could not be deleted. Check previous errors. ``` ## Operation Procedure Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to delete the Full-Text index on the items table in Implem.Pleasanter. 1. Click on "Database" under the database server 2. Click on "Implem.Pleasanter" 3. Right-click on "dbo.Items" in the table and select "Full-Text index" -> "Delete Full-Text index" 4. Do you want to delete the Full-Text index? -> Click "OK" ![image]( Running CodeDefiner will rebuild the Full-Text index.
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