User Manual



FAQ: Search results containing the Chinese numeral zero are incorrect in a SQL Server environment

## Answer SQL Server specifications. --- ## Answer In a SQL Server environment, searching for values ​​that contain the Chinese numeral 〇 (zero) may not return the expected results. When searching, the Chinese numeral 〇 (zero) is considered to be a null character. For example, if you search for "三〇一" using the search criteria of like, not only "三〇一" but also "三一" and "三〇〇一" will be included in the search results and output. Also, items that contain only the Chinese numeral 〇 (zero) are considered to be unset (empty). This phenomenon is an SQL Server operation specification. ## Related Information [Searches that contain the Chinese numeral 〇 (zero) do not return correct results in an environment using SQL Server dictionary order collation - Microsoft Support](
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