User Manual



FAQ:I want to know the supported languages and timezone parameter setting values in Pleasanter

## Answer Pleasanter supports Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, German, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Additionally, for timezones, you can use any valid timezone name in your operating system. --- ## Overview ### 1.Supported Languages in Pleasanter The language is set in "DefaultLanguage" in "[Service.json](/en/manual/service-json)". In ver.1.4.6 and later, it can be specified during the initial installation (when executing CodeDefiner). The default value is "en". |Language|Value| |:--|:--| |Japanese|ja| |English|en| |Chinese|zh| |German|de| |Korean|ko| |Spanish|es| |Vietnamese|vn| ### 2.Timezones The timezone is set in "TimeZoneDefault" in "[Service.json](/en/manual/service-json)". Please note that the settings differ for Windows and Linux. In versions 1.4.6 and later, it can be specified during the initial installation (when executing CodeDefiner). The default value is "UTC." Below are some examples of timezones. |Country|Timezone (Windows)|Timezone (Linux)| |:--|:--|:--| |Global|UTC|UTC| |Japan|Tokyo Standard Time|Asia/Tokyo| |USA(Eastern)|Eastern Standard Time|America/New_York| |China|China Standard Time|Asia/Shanghai| |Germany|Central Europe Standard Time|Europe/Berlin| |Korea|Korea Standard Time|Asia/Seoul| |Spain|Central Europe Standard Time|Europe/Madrid| |Vietnam|SE Asia Standard Time|Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh| For other timezones, please run the following commands to search for the appropriate timezone and set it. #### Windows ``` tzutil /l ``` #### Linux ``` tzselect ``` ## Related Information [Install Pleasanter on Azure AppService with serverless configuration](getting-started-pleasanter-azure) [Install Pleasanter on Windows](getting-started-pleasanter-windows) [Install Pleasanter on Ubuntu](getting-started-pleasanter-ubuntu) [プリザンターを AlmaLinux にインストールする](getting-started-pleasanter-almalinux) [Install Pleasanter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8](getting-started-pleasanter-rhel-8) [Install Pleasanter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9](getting-started-pleasanter-rhel) [Set Parameter: Service.json](service-json)
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