User Manual



FAQ: Access to '...\pleasanter\App_Data\Temp\1E70...3C6.xlsm' is denied

## Answer Grant permissions to the "App_Data\Temp" folder in the Pleasanter installation folder. --- ## Summary During installation, if you get the error 'C:inetpubwwwrootpleasanterApp_DataTemp1E70....22ED93C6.xlsm' is denied. Access to 'C:inetpubwwwrootpleasanterApp_DataTemp1E70....22ED93C6.xlsm' is denied. You may be able to resolve the issue by following the steps below. 1. From the Start menu, start "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager." 2. Click "[Site](/en/manual/site)" - "Default Web Site" - "pleasanter" - "App_Data" - "Temp" and click "Edit Permissions" in the right pane of the window. ![image]( 3. Open the Security tab in the Pleasanter properties dialog, select IIS_IUSERS, click the Edit button, check "Modify" and grant permissions. ![image]( *If you check "Modify", "Write" will also be checked. 4. Apply the changes and access Pleasanter again.
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