User Manual



FAQ: I want to set the top page to a specific page.

## Answer Specify the page you want to set as the top page in the "TopUrl" parameter of the "[Locations.json](/en/manual/locations-json)". --- ## Overview You can change the URL of the top page by changing the "TopUrl" parameter of the "[Locations.json](/en/manual/locations-json)". ## Setting Procedure The following is how to set "http(s)://{ServerName}/items/123/index" as the URL of the top page. 1. Open the Locations.json file under the Parameters folder. 1. Enter the following URL in the TopUrl field. Enter the characters after the hostname (e.g. /items/123). ##### JSON ``` { "TopUrl": "/items/123/index", "LoginAfterUrl": null } ``` *The LoginAfterUrl item is the page you will be redirected to after logging in. 1. Restart the web server or Pleasanter. 1. Enter your login ID and password on the Pleasanter login screen and click the "Login" button. 1. After logging in, click the logo in the upper left or the "Top" link in the breadcrumb list. 1. Confirm that you are redirected to the URL set in TopUrl in 2. ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"> <article class="s-blog_list_unit"><h2> <h2>The specified information was not found.</h2> <p><a href="/ja/manual">Return to top</a></p> </article> </div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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