FAQ: I want to check the email sending log of Pleasanter
## Answer
Please refer to the "OutgoingMails table".
## Overview
These are the steps to obtain the "email sending log" of Pleasanter. Pleasanter's email sending log is stored in the "OutgoingMails table" in the "database".
## Notes
1. This procedure involves direct manipulation of the database, so it is risky. It is strongly recommended that you make a "[Backup](/en/manual/faq-backup-and-restore)" beforehand.
## Operation Procedure
1. Log in to the server where Pleasanter is installed.
1. Start a tool that can connect to the database, such as Azure Data Studio.
1. Execute the following SQL to get data from the "OutgoingMails table".
### Sample code
##### SQL(to get the most recent 1000 items)
select top 100 * from "OutgoingMails" order by "OutgoingMailId" desc;
##### SQL(to get logs for a specific period)
select top 100 * from "OutgoingMails" where "CreatedTime" between '2021/09/25 00:00:00' and '2021/09/26 00:00:00' order by "OutgoingMailId" desc;
## Log Contents
The contents of the "OutgoingMails table" are as follows.
1. Host:The destination host.
1. Port:The destination port.
1. From:The From address of the email sender.
1. To:The To address of the email recipient.
1. Cc:The Cc address of the email recipient.
1. Bcc:The Bcc address of the email recipient.
1. Title:The subject of the email.
1. Body:The body of the email.
1. SentTime:The date and time the email was sent.
1. Comments:This field is unused.
1. Creator:If the user is logged in, this indicates the user ID. The user name must be linked to the Users table to confirm.
1. Updator:Same as above.
## Related Information
<div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/faq-backup-and-restore">FAQ: How to backup and restore Pleasanter's DB data</a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li>
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