User Manual



FAQ: I want to display YouTube videos on the editing screen

## Answer Display the prepared YouTube embed tag in "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)". --- ## Overview This explains how to display and play videos using YouTube embed tags on the editing screen. ## Preparation (1) Open the target table and open "「Table Management」" from the "Manage" menu. (2). Add Classification A in the Editor tab. Change the name to "Embed Tag" or similar. (3). Open the Script tab, click the "New" button, enter any title in "[Title](/en/manual/tenant-logo)", and enter the following script in "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)". ##### JavaScript ``` // Set the iframe for the video showMovie = function () { // Get the embed tag entered in Classification A var html = $p.getControl('ClassA').val(); // Set the embed tag in the content field $p.getControl('Body').parent().html(html); } // Show the video when the page is displayed showMovie(); // Change the video when Classification A is changed $p.on('change', 'ClassA', function () { showMovie(); }); ``` (4) Set "Output destination" to "Edit" only. (5) Click the "Change" button to close the dialog. (6) Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen. (7) Open any record and enter the YouTube embed tag in the "Embed tag" field. Please refer to the help procedure below on how to obtain the tags for YouTube embedding.
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