User Manual



Formula (Extended) Function List

## Overview These functions can be used in "「Formula (Extended)」". ## List of formula functions ### Date/Time |No|Function name|Description| |:--:|:---|:---| |1|[$DATE](/manual/formula-function-date)|Generate a date. | |2|[$DATEDIF](/manual/formula-function-datedif)|Calculate the number of days, months, or years between two dates. | |3|[$DATETIME](/manual/formula-function-datetime)|Generate a datetime. | |4|[$DAY](/manual/formula-function-day)|Get the number of days in a date. | |5|[$DAYS](/manual/formula-function-days)|Calculate the number of days between two dates. | |6|[$EOMONTH](/manual/formula-function-eomonth)|Find the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months from a start date. | |7|[$HOUR](/manual/formula-function-hour)|Get the hour of the date. | |8|[$MINUTE](/manual/formula-function-minute)|Get the minute of the date. | |9|[$MONTH](/manual/formula-function-month)|Get the month of the date. | |10|[$NOW](/manual/formula-function-now)|Get the current datetime. | |11|[$SECOND](/manual/formula-function-second)|Get the second of the date. | |12|[$TODAY](/manual/formula-function-today)|Get the current date. | |13|[$WEEKDAY](/manual/formula-function-weekday)|Return the day of the week for the date. | |14|[$YEAR](/manual/formula-function-year)|Get the year of the date. | ### String Manipulation |No|Function name|Description| |:--:|:---|:---| |1|[$ASC](/manual/formula-function-asc)|Convert full-width characters to half-width characters. | |2|[$CONCAT](/manual/formula-function-concat)|Concatenate the specified strings. | |3|[$FIND](/manual/formula-function-find)|Search for the search string within the target string, and find the position where the search string first appears, counting from the left. The search is case-sensitive. | |4|[$JIS](/manual/formula-function-jis)|Convert half-width characters to full-width characters. | |5|[$LEFT](/manual/formula-function-left)|Return a specified number of characters from the beginning of a string. | |6|[$LEN](/manual/formula-function-len)|Return the number of characters in a string. | |7|[$LOWER](/manual/formula-function-lower)|Convert uppercase letters in a string to lowercase letters. | |8|[$MID](/manual/formula-function-mid)|Return a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string. | |9|[$REPLACE](/manual/formula-function-replace)|Convert a specified number of characters in a target string to another character. | |10|[$RIGHT](/manual/formula-function-right)|Return a specified number of characters from the end of a string. | |11|[$SEARCH](/manual/formula-function-search)|Search for a search string in a target string, counting from the left to find the first occurrence of the search string. The search is not case sensitive. | |12|[$SUBSTITUTE](/manual/formula-function-substitute)|Convert a specific string in the target string to a specified string. | |13|[$TEXT](/manual/formula-function-text)|Convert a string with a display format applied. | |14|[$TRIM](/manual/formula-function-trim)|Remove unnecessary spaces from a string. | |15|[$UPPER](/manual/formula-function-upper)|Convert lowercase letters in a string to uppercase letters. | |16|[$VALUE](/manual/formula-function-value)|Convert numbers entered as a string to a numeric value. | ### Logical |No|Function name|Description| |:--:|:---|:---| |1|[$AND](/manual/formula-function-and)|Return TRUE if all arguments are TRUE. | |2|[$IF](/manual/formula-function-if)|Return a specified value depending on the result of a logical expression (TRUE or FALSE). | |3|[$IFERROR](/manual/formula-function-iferror)|Return a specified value if the value is an error. If it is not an error, returns the value. | |4|[$IFS](/manual/formula-function-ifs)|Check whether one or more conditions are met and return the value that corresponds to the first true condition. | |5|[$NOT](/manual/formula-function-not)|Return TRUE if the argument is FALSE, and FALSE if the argument is TRUE. | |6|[$OR](/manual/formula-function-or)|Return TRUE if any argument is TRUE. If all arguments are FALSE, returns FALSE. | ### Information |No|Function name|Description| |:--:|:---|:---| |1|[$ISBLANK](/manual/formula-function-isblank)|Return true if the argument is blank. | |2|[$ISERROR](/manual/formula-function-iserror)|Return true if the argument is an error. | |3|[$ISEVEN](/manual/formula-function-iseven)|Return TRUE if the argument is an even number, and FALSE if it is an odd number. | |4|[$ISNUMBER](/manual/formula-function-isnumber)|Return TRUE if the cell contains a number.| |5|[$ISODD](/manual/formula-function-isodd)|Return TRUE if the argument is an odd number, and FALSE if it is an even number.| |6|[$ISTEXT](/manual/formula-function-istext)|Return TRUE if the cell contains a string.| ### Mathematics |No|Function name|Description| |:--:|:---|:---| |1|[$ABS](/manual/formula-function-abs)|Return the absolute value. | |2|[$MOD](/manual/formula-function-mod)|Return the remainder when dividing a number. | |3|[$POWER](/manual/formula-function-power)|Return the power of a number. | |4|[$RAND](/manual/formula-function-rand)|Return a random real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. Returns a new random number each time it is calculated. | |5|[$ROUND](/manual/formula-function-round)|Return the value obtained by rounding a number to a specified number of digits. | |6|[$ROUNDDOWN](/manual/formula-function-rounddown)|Return a number down to a specified number of digits. | |7|[$ROUNDUP](/manual/formula-function-roundup)|Return a number up to a specified number of digits. | |8|[$SQRT](/manual/formula-function-sqrt)|Return the positive square root. | |9|[$TRUNC](/manual/formula-function-trunc)|Truncate the decimal part of a number to convert it to an integer or a specified number of digits. | ### Statistics |No|Function Name|Description| |:---|:---|:---| |1|[$AVERAGE](/manual/formula-function-average)|Return the average value of the arguments. | |2|[$MAX](/manual/formula-function-max)|Return the maximum value of the arguments. Logical values ​​and strings are ignored. | |3|[$MIN](/manual/formula-function-min)|Return the minimum value of the arguments. Logical values ​​and strings are ignored. |
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