User Manual



Group Management Function: Bulk deletion

## Overview Delete groups in bulk. ## Limitations ### Access Restrictions with [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json) [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json) has a function that allows access to Pleasanter on an organizational unit by setting "AllowIpAddresses" and "IpRestrictionExcludeMembers" together. If you are using this function to enable access to an organizational unit, please note that deleting/disabling a department/deleting a user who belongs to it will prevent the user from accessing Pleasanter. Suppose a user with important administrative privileges such as a tenant administrator can no longer access Pleasanter. In that case, it may be necessary to change the device's IP address or reconfigure [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json). *If you have not restricted access by IP address using "AllowIpAddresses" in [Security.json](/en/manual/security-json), you do not need to consider the above restrictions. ## Prerequisites "Tenant Management Privileges" are required for this operation. ## Operation Procedure 1. Open the "Manage" menu and click "Group Management". 1. Check the group you want to delete. The check box is the leftmost column of each record. If you want to select all, check the check box in the header row. 1. Click the "[Bulk Delete](/en/manual/table-record-bulkdelete)" button. 1. A pop-up will appear to confirm whether you want to delete or not. Click "OK". 1. When the message "XX item deleted." appears at the bottom of the screen, the process is complete.
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