Set up to send notifications using HTTP Client
## Overview
You can use the HTTP client to send any request.
## Supported Versions
Pleasanter and later
## Notes
1. The request URL (address field) is fixed.
2. Cookie is not available.
## Prerequisite
1. Set "HttpClient" in "[Notification.json](/manual/notification-json)" to true.
## Setting items
|Item name|Required|Summary|
|Address|○|Enter the request URL. |
|Method type|-|Specify the HTTP request method. You can specify GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE. The default is GET. |
|Encoding|-|Specify the character encoding of the notification content. You can specify utf-8, shift_jis, or euc-jp. The default is utf-8. You can specify a pull-down option in HttpClientEncodings in "[Notification.json](/manual/notification-json)". |
|Media type|-|Specify the notification content's media type (Content-Type). The default is application/json. |
|HTTP header|-|Specify additional HTTP headers in JSON format. Example: {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 .."}|