User Manual



Migration Procedure from Pleasanter's Database (SQL Server) to Different Environments

## Notes 1. This procedure assumes Windows Server 2019 OS and SQL Server DB environment. ## Backup data from the source of migration 1. Log in to the source environment. 1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and log in. 1. Right-click "Database" → "Implem.Pleasanter" and select "Task" → "Export Data-tier Application". 1. Click the "Browse" button under "Save to Local Disk", enter a file name, and click "Next". 1. Click "Finish". 1. Once the export is complete, verify that a file with a bacpac extension has been created. ## Migrate data to the destination 1. Log in to the destination environment. 1. Copy the bacpac file from the source computer to the destination computer. 1. Install Pleasanter in the destination environment. - Installation procedure is [here]( 1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and log in. 1. Right-click "Database" → "Implem.Pleasanter" and click "Delete". 1. A dialog will appear, so confirm that the "Connection" field shows the target server. - **Be cautious as performing this operation in the wrong environment may result in unintended data loss.** 1. Check "Close existing connections" and click "OK". 1. Right-click "Database" and click "Import Data-tier Application". 1. Click the "Browse" button for "Import from Local Disk" and select the bacpac file. 1. Click the "Next" button. 1. Specify "Implem.Pleasanter" in "New Database Name" and click "Next". 1. Click "Finish". 1. Once the data migration is complete, use a tool like WinMerge to check the differences between the source and destination Parameters. 1. Merge the source Parameters settings into the destination Parameters and restart IIS. - **For customers who have subscribed to Enterprise Edition, please migrate the license file as well.** 1. Log in to Pleasanter and confirm that the data has been migrated.
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