Set Parameter: Notification.json
## Notes
When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)".
## Supported Versions
#### ListOrder
1. Pleasanter or later
#### InCircle / CopyWithNotifications
1. Pleasanter or later
1. Pleasanter .NET Framework version 0.50.285 or later
#### HttpClient / HttpClientEncodings
1. Pleasanter or later
1. Pleasanter .NET Framework version or later
## Setting Values
The setting values of this parameter file are as follows.
|Parameter name|Value (e.g)|Description|
|SecurityProtocolType|"Tls12"|Specify the TLS version. |
|Mail|true|Specify whether to display email as the notification type with true/false. |
|Slack|true|Specify whether to display Slack as the notification type with true/false. |
|ChatWork|true|Specify whether to display ChatWork as the notification type with true/false. |
|Line|true|Specify whether to display LINE and LINE groups as the notification type with true/false. |
|Teams|true|Specify whether to display Microsoft Teams as the notification type with true/false. |
|Rocket.Chat|true|Specify whether to display Rocket. Chat as the notification type with true/false. |
|InCircle|true|Specify whether to display InCircle as the notification type with true/false. |
|HttpClient|true|Specify whether to display HttpClient as the notification type with true/false. |
|CopyWithNotifications|On|Specify the default value for the notification copy setting. Checked when "On", unchecked when "Off", and hidden when "Disabled". If Disabled is specified, the setting will not be copied. |
|ListOrder|["Mail", "Teams", "Slack"] |Specify the order of the selection list to be displayed for the notification type in array format. |
|HttpClientEncodings|["utf-8", "shift_jis", "euc-jp"]|Specify the selection list to be displayed in the encoding dropdown in array format. |