Past Update Information for Pleasanter
## Overview
This is information about past upgrades of Pleasanter. You can refer to the most recent upgrade information from the link below.
[Pleasanter's most recent upgrade information](
### 2/13 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a parameter function to ignore password policies when creating users with the API.](/manual/security-json)
・[Added a parameter to disable creator access rights to the site creation API.](/manual/script-api-create-site)
・Fixed an issue where the values of read-only fields became blank when creating a record by copying by reference.
・Fixed an issue where the user could not set conditions for process and control by status.
・Fixed an issue where the date filter of a view could not be cleared correctly.
### 2/6 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue of file downloads failing.
### 2/6 Release Information (ver.
・[Added an option to exclude you and your own department from the options.](/manual/table-management-choice-json)
・[Added HttpStrictTransportSecurity parameter function to Security.json.](/manual/security-json)
・[Added SecureCacheControl parameter function to Security.json.](/manual/security-json)
・Changed to enable anchor links on the List screen.
・Changed to allow images registered in the Tenant management function, such as User management, to be displayed in normal tables.
・Fixed an issue where you could not select your own filter when the search function was enabled.
・Fixed an issue where guides other than the list screen and edit screen could not be migrated to the site package.
・Fixed an issue where columns specified in the view were not displayed correctly when paging on the list screen if the view save type was set not to save.
・Fixed an issue where columns from other tables were displayed as the import key.
・Fixed an issue where $p.selectedIds did not work when TokenCheck was true.
・Fixed the issue where previous, next, and reload could not be performed when TokenCheck was true.
・Fixed the issue where export could not be performed when TokenCheck was true.
・Fixed the issue where files could not be attached when TokenCheck was true.
### 1/29 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where columns did not work properly when all users were specified in the access control.
・Fixed an issue where it was not possible to set a default decimal point value for the numerical value column.
### 1/25 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where exporting department, group, user, and system logs did not work.
### 1/22 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to display the status on the calendar. ](/manual/table-calendar)
・[Added a function to display the status on the Kanban. ](/manual/table-kanban-chart)
・[Added a function to not display rows with 0 in crosstabulation. ](/manual/table-crostab)
・Added a function to redirect to returnUrl after SAML authentication.
・[Added a function to select yourself in the department and user filter. ](/manual/table-own-filter-user-related-column)
・[Added a function to specify/cancel import keys in ID and numerical value column. ](/manual/table-management-import-key)
・[Added a display of site ID to the dropdown list that specifies the inheritance of access rights. ](/manual/site-access-control)
・Adjusted font size, etc. of the login screen for mobile.
・Fixed an issue where access rights were cleared depending on the timing when the access rights were not inherited.
・Fixed an issue where the export filter would not work properly when the view save type was set to Do not save.
・Fixed an issue where the app would not start if failing to delete temp files at startup.
・Fixed an issue where extensions were being loaded in duplicate.
・Fixed an issue where images registered on the User management screen, etc. could not be displayed.
・Fixed an issue where values of multi-select columns were not set correctly during automatic postback.
・Fixed an issue where images could not be registered properly using the API in an environment with a non-root path.
### 1/9 Release Information (ver.
・[Added the ability to use radio buttons for class column.](/manual/table-management-control-type-class)
・Fixed an issue where conditions for processes, etc. could not be correctly determined with record-level read permissions.
・Fixed an issue where an error would occur when setting up a process when the default value for completion columns was set to None.
・Fixed an issue where TotalCount could not be correctly obtained when using the API to obtain department, group, and user.
・Fixed an issue where the function to narrow down user options by group ID did not work in a PostgreSQL environment.
## 2022 Version Update Information
### 12/29 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the display control of buttons on the edit screen did not function after pressing the update button.
・Fixed an issue where the server script context.Log was not output in Ajax responses.
・Fixed an issue where view.Id could not be obtained before the server script lines were displayed.
・Fixed an issue where notifications could not be sent after batch processing of processes.
・Fixed an issue where a success message was not output when the process action type was posted back.
・Fixed an issue where sorting was not performed correctly when multiple sorting settings were made for link columns.
・Fixed an issue where an infinite loop of automatic postbacks occurred when automatic postbacks were set for columns with column linkage.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred in SetChoiceHashByFilterExpressions.
・Fixed an issue where process conditions could not be correctly determined.
・Fixed an issue where automatic numbering reset did not work correctly in UTC environments.
・Fixed an issue where the dialog closed when performing $p.set() on a class column that uses the search function when editing a dialog.
### 12/19 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to get JSON of attachments in server script. ](/manual/server-script-model)
・[Added a function to get JSON of Comments in server script. ](/manual/server-script-model)
・Fixed an issue where wide could not be used for check column style.
・Fixed an issue where non-locked columns were displayed when unlocking a locked column filter.
・Fixed an issue where unlocking was possible on read-only records.
・Fixed an issue where the capacity limit in the column advanced settings was not displayed correctly when the Provider in BinaryStorage.json was Local.
・Fixed an issue where the link column could not be changed when creating a new child record from the link button of a parent record.
・Fixed an issue where history deletion could not be performed correctly when combined with filter operations.
・Fixed an issue where restoration from the recycle bin could not be performed correctly when combined with filter operations.
・Fixed an issue where automatic postback did not work when spinning the spinner.
・Fixed an issue where filtering of column linkage did not work after automatic postback.
### 12/9 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where a KeyNotFoundException would occur when importing into a site package.
・Fixed the issue where a null reference violation would occur during automatic postback on a table with control by status that does not include column control.
### 12/5 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to insert images using the API ([Create record](/manual/api-record-create) / [Update record](/manual/api-record-update) / [Create/update record](/manual/api-record-upsert)).
・[Added a function to display service announcements. ](/manual/announcement-siteid)
・Added a function to obtain the settings to enable each function of BackgroundService from environment variables.
・Changed the specifications so that input validation other than required input cannot be processed in bulk in the process input validation.
・Changed specifications so that records without required columns filled in will not be displayed when processing bulk processes.
・Fixed an issue with checkboxes not appearing in the list when processing bulk processes depending on permissions.
・Fixed an issue with the "Do not send when expired" range not being determined correctly when a date column was selected as the reminder column.
・Fixed an issue with unset negation conditions not working properly in numerical value column filters.
・Fixed an issue with unset negation conditions not working properly in string column filters.
・Fixed an issue with unset negation conditions not working properly in date column filters.
・Fixed an issue with notifications not matching the conditions being sent when the process execution type is created or updated.
・Fixed an issue with lookups via automatic postback not working after an input validation error on the new creation screen.
・Fixed an issue with site packages not being able to be imported for time limited table that does not include completed columns.
・Fixed an issue with images registered by other users not being able to be displayed on the user management screen, etc.
・Fixed an issue with the row classification not being able to select "No classification" in the view Kanban settings.
・Fixed an issue with required input marks not appearing in checkboxes.
・Fixed an issue where a required input mark was displayed for description columns with required input and read-only turned on.
・Fixed an issue where process messages were output with the settings of the first process regardless of whether the conditions were met.
・Fixed an issue where a StackOverflow would occur when creating a title when combining titles with self-referential link columns.
### 11/9 Release Information (ver.
・[Security Update CVE-2022-41064 – Addresses .NET Framework Information Disclosure Vulnerability.](/archives/CVE-2022-41064)
### 11/4 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the search dialog with ColumnFilterExpressions set on the screen for creating a child record from a parent record did not work properly.
・Fixed an issue where SyncByLdap's AutoDisable did not work properly in a PostgreSQL environment.
・Fixed an issue where the order in which IDs were output in the response JSON after a record was created was unintentionally changed.
### 10/31 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the problem of script syntax errors occurring in IE.
### 10/27 Release Information (ver.
・[Added line chart function. ](/manual/table-timeseries-chart)
・[Create](/manual/api-dept-create)/[Update](/manual/api-dept-update)/[Delete](/manual/api-dept-delete) functions added to department API.
・[Added function to specify mail encoding in Mail.json. ](
・[Added function to call recycle bin deletion process with BackgroundService. ](/manual/background-service-json)
・Fixed issue where buttons for processes without record update permission were displayed.
・Fixed issue where server script specification was not prioritized when hiding and disabling command buttons.
・Fixed issue where crosstab selections were not maintained when the view save type was set to "Do not save".
・Fixed issue where unset negation conditions were not correctly filtered in class column.
・Fixed an issue where the filter would not narrow down the results correctly when multiple date columns were selected.
・Fixed an issue where errors that occurred in the application were not displayed on the screen.
・Fixed an issue where the search dialog could not be opened in IE.
### 10/12 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to call the Temp file deletion process using BackgroundService.
・[Changed some parameter names in BackgroundService.json.](
・Fixed an issue where dynamic email addresses for bulk process notifications were not set correctly.
・Fixed an issue where default values and lookup values could not be saved when creating a record if units and read-only were set for numerical value column.
・Fixed an issue where saved in server script class column were not correctly referencing values before changes.
・Fixed an issue where messages at the bottom of the screen were partially hidden by icons, etc.
・Fixed an issue where filters were not processed correctly when bulk updating.
### 10/4 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to call the system log deletion process with BackgroundService.](
・[Added saved so that information before updates can be referenced in server scripts.](
・Fixed an issue where the view was not restored from the session when performing batch processing.
・Fixed an issue where summary settings without links were not displayed in Manage table.
・Fixed an issue where RelatedUsers could not be entered as the destination for the notification function.
### 9/28 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to process in bulk.](
・[Added a function to update email addresses via API when creating or updating users.](/manual/api-user-update)
・Fixed an issue where the sort menu on the list screen would not display in the expected position when displayed while scrolling.
・Fixed an issue where the icons in the system log menu were incorrect.
・Fixed an issue where the file name was incorrect when exporting the system log.
### 9/21 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to switch whether or not to use negative conditions for each table.
・[Added a function to reload a view by double-clicking the view. ](
・Added a function to set negative filter conditions in the server script.
・Added the UseNegativeFilters parameter and changed the default value for using negative conditions to false.
・Added the AspNetCoreDataProtection parameter.
・Fixed an issue where the edit screen could not be opened when sorting by a link column in the parent table.
・Fixed an issue where an error message was not displayed when attaching a file that exceeded the size limit.
・Fixed an issue where the view.Filters in the server script were negated by user operation.
・Fixed an issue where tables integrated on the site could not be moved in bulk correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the theme could not be updated by importing users.
・Fixed an issue where tooltips were not displayed for class column with multiple selections set.
### 9/9 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to display/export the system log.
・Fixed an issue where a NULL reference violation occurred when the column specified as the import key was not included in the CSV.
・Fixed an issue where ExtendedCellCss was not applied to a cell when the manager and owner columns were not set.
・Fixed an issue where LoginAfterUrlExcludePrivilegedUsers was not applied to the logo link.
・Fixed an issue where the RejectUnregisteredUser specification was not applied during SAML authentication.
・Fixed an issue where the display switching did not work when the view filter state was maintained after editing the process settings.
・Fixed an issue where columns from the linked table that cannot be used as conditions for process and control by status were displayed.
・Fixed an issue where API Get with KeyValues specified in a UTC environment did not return local time.
・Fixed an issue where not all attachments were displayed when five or more attachments were uploaded at the same time.
・Fixed an issue where a NULL reference violation occurred when automatically posting back a linked column without a Lookup specified.
・Fixed an issue where InternalDomains was not checked on the notification/process notification/email settings screen.
・Fixed an issue where negation filters for departments, groups, and users did not work.
・Fixed an issue where the timing of showing/hiding the filter negation/positive menu was not correct.
・Fixed an issue where when copying completed columns using the process function, the date copied was one day added.
・Fixed an issue where control by status did not work properly when copying a reference.
・Fixed an issue where the group default value [[Self]] was not set correctly when creating a new record by a user who does not belong to a department.
・Fixed an issue where site image icons could not be displayed in the information disclosure function.
・Fixed an issue where an error would occur in the filter when ForwardMatchMultiple was specified for SearchTypes.
・Fixed an issue where the message was specified in context.AddMessage was not output after a record was created.
### 8/29 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to call LDAP synchronization using BackgroundService.
・Added a function to copy data change settings.
・Added a function to copy bulk update settings.
・Added a function to copy server script settings.
・Added a function to copy script settings.
・Added a function to copy style settings.
・Added a function to copy reminder settings.
・Added a function to copy summary settings.
・Added a function to copy formula settings.
・Added a function to copy notification settings.
・Added a function to copy control by status settings.
・Added a function to copy export settings.
・Added a function to copy processes.
・Added a function to copy views.
・Changed the specifications so that fields that the user leaves blank in lookup are not overwritten.
・Fixed an issue where Kanban cards would be updated even if they were dropped in the same area.
・Fixed an issue where calendar records would be updated even if they were dropped on the same date.
・Fixed an issue where the Gantt chart would not function properly when a time zone other than Japan time was used.
・Fixed an issue where version numbers would be duplicated when the same records existed in CSV when performing an overwrite import.
・Fixed an issue where data would not be moved correctly when moving before the destination selection dialog had finished loading.
・Fixed an issue where the reply URL for the email function would not be generated correctly when AbsoluteUri was set in Service.json.
・Fixed an issue where the site access control and record access control switches did not work properly when exporting a site package.
### 8/23 Release Information (ver.
・[Added the ability to search with negative filter conditions.](/manual/table-record-negative-search)
・[Added the ability to filter by column match/mismatch to view.Filters in server script.](/manual/server-script-view-filters)
・Added ServerCertificateValidationCallback parameter to Mail.json.
・Fixed an issue where direct input from the form was ignored when OverwriteFrom in lookup was true.
・Fixed an issue where the link information cache was not updated correctly when deleting a link.
・Fixed an issue where the value specified for the fulltext types of the class column did not work correctly.
・Fixed an issue where reminders did not work due to an error in the UTC environment.
・Fixed an issue where an empty link area was displayed when no records existed if the link display position was changed.
### 8/16 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the user edit screen could not be opened when sorted by department code.
・Fixed an issue where the export method "Email URL to Own" did not work properly.
・Fixed an issue where tables using site integration could not be displayed correctly when some of the sites could not be read.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred when copying records by specifying multiple selection columns as the notification destination.
・Fixed an issue where notifications to Rocket Chat would fail.
### 8/6 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to automatically change record access rights when updating a record. ](/manual/table-management-record-access-control)
・[Added a function to send notifications using an HTTP client. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・Added a parameter to specify that the default GridColumns should be used in the view.
・Fixed an issue where the password expiration date was not reflected correctly when creating a user.
### 8/2 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the function to narrow down the list of options by the values of other columns was not available for departments, groups, and users.
・Fixed an issue where columns from different site types could not be displayed in the grid.
### 8/1 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where user fields with multiple selections enabled were not being returned by free text search.
### 7/27 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where filters could not be used for columns with the search function turned on.
・Fixed an issue where lookup for columns with the search function enabled on the new creation screen did not work from the second time onwards.
・Fixed an issue where icons and text notation were difficult to recognize depending on the theme.
### 7/23 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to narrow down the list of options by the values of other columns. ](/manual/table-management-choice-json-column-filter-expressions)
・[Added an optional function to obtain email addresses using the user acquisition API. ](/manual/api-user-get-all)
・[Added a function to output only the values before and after the change to the custom notification format. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Changed the line breaks in the markdown columns output in the notification to a format that is easier to see. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・Fixed an issue where the new creation screen did not work properly when a postback was specified as the action type for the process.
・Fixed an issue where comments, attachments, and title/body columns could not be obtained when ApiColumnValueDisplayType:'Text' was used.
・Fixed an issue where the upper limit of the number of records per table could not be checked correctly.
・Fixed an issue where Lookup could not be performed when the same To was specified in multiple Lookups.
### 7/20 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the width of the list of options for multiple selections became narrow.
・Fixed an issue where messages were not displayed when creating departments, groups, and users.
・Fixed an issue where copy settings could not be saved by default.
### 7/16 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function that allows you to select a reference date and time when entering the date and time of data changes.
・Added an optional function to overwrite form input with a lookup.
・Added context.QueryStrings to server script.
・Changed the default value of copy in the default value of lock columns to true.
・Fixed an issue where an error would occur if AbsoluteUri was not set when running a reminder with BackgroundService.
・Fixed an issue where records with a scheduled expiration time could not be sent when the setting was set to not send expired reminders.
・Fixed an issue where the process notification tab was displayed in environments with limited notification functionality.
・Fixed an issue where the content of the dialog did not return to the old version when an old version was displayed on the site administration screen.
・Fixed an issue where the user lockout counter was not reset in an LDAP+Local environment.
・Fixed an issue where the column width changed when $p.set was performed on a class column that was set to multiple selections and wide.
・Fixed an issue where reminders without specified conditions could not be sent when Always request search conditions were on.
・Fixed an issue where icons on the editing screen were not visible in the theme "mint-choc".
・Fixed issues with the visibility of text in multiple selection columns depending on the theme.
・Fixed issues with the visibility of open/close buttons in multiple selection columns depending on the theme.
・Fixed issues with the visibility of checks on the list screen depending on the theme.
### 7/10 Release Information (ver.
・Added the ability to select the execution type for processes.
・Fixed an issue where rebuilding search indexes would not execute correctly.
・Fixed an issue where properties could not be obtained using Notification.Get in the server script.
・Fixed an issue where the SearchFormat of link columns would not be displayed correctly due to multiple master references.
・Fixed an issue where updates were not possible when ResultId was used as the key in the UpsertAPI.
・Fixed an issue where permissions for importing and exporting groups were not determined correctly.
・Fixed an issue where tabs on the Wiki editing screen were not displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where performance would degrade when integrating sites and some sites did not have read permissions.
### 7/3 Release Information (ver.
・[Changed the default value of ApiVersion to 1.1.](/manual/api-json)
・[Added the Compatibility_1_3_12 parameter to Api.json.](/manual/api-json)
・[Added the ability to change data to processes.](/manual/process)
・[Added a function to handle all situations to control by status.](/manual/status-control)
・Added a filter reload function to the server script.
・[Added the Redirect method to the server script.](/manual/server-script-context-redirect)
・[Added a function to refer to the TotalCount of the list to the server script.](/manual/server-script-grid)
・[Added the view.ClearFilters method to the server script.](/manual/server-script-view-clear-filters)
・Added view.SearchTypes to the server script.
・Fixed the issue where the tabs on the API settings screen were not displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the SearchFormat of a link column could not be displayed correctly due to multiple master references.
・Fixed an issue where input validation in reminder settings did not work properly.
・Fixed an issue where reminders created before version could not be sent.
・Fixed an issue where processing was not performed when loading site settings when sorting link display.
・Fixed an issue where the setting to not allow standard export affected privileged users.
・Fixed an issue where the start date and period of the Gantt chart were not retained in the session.
・Fixed an issue where ApiVersion was not set correctly in requests that did not specify an API key.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred when the search type was set to fulltext in the linked table of a link column with the search function enabled.
・[Added a function to not display the attachment list when a local file is deleted. ](/manual/table-management-binary-storage-provider)
### 6/26 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to control by status. ](/manual/status-control)
・[Added a function to use class column as anchors. ](/manual/table-management-anchor)
・[Added a function to set input validation type to process function. ](/manual/process)
・[Added a function to set action type to process function. ](/manual/process)
・Added a function to retain filters and sorters when switching views.
・Added a script to execute site API and group API.
・Fixed an issue where privileged users could not access with access control for views, exports, and processes.
・Fixed an issue where input validation could not be performed correctly in the reminder dialog.
・Fixed an issue where duplicate checks set for multiple columns did not work correctly.
・Fixed an issue where errors in markdown columns were not displayed in the correct position.
・Fixed an issue where server script items.Get could not be performed when the setting was set to not display on the screen in read-only mode.
・Fixed an issue where required input did not work with spinners.
・Fixed an issue where line breaks in the list of options were duplicated.
・Fixed an issue where the port number required for the direct URL was not output.
### 6/23 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where overwrite import would not work properly if the ID column was not included.
### 6/22 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue where records could not be created if key column were left blank during overwrite import.
### 6/18 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a feature to select the key when importing. ](/manual/table-record-import-key)
・[Added a feature to send process notifications to chat tools, etc. ](/manual/process)
・[Added optional settings that require input to check columns. ](/manual/table-management-check)
・[Added a feature to enable/disable filters in views. ](/manual/table-management-view-filter-settings-editor)
・[Added an optional setting to allow standard export. ](/manual/table-management-export-allow-standard-export)
・[Added an optional setting to not delete images when deleting records. ](/manual/table-management-delete-image-when-deleting)
・[Added a feature to specify an action in the HTML title. ](
・Fixed the issue where the view was changed outside of the server script view processing.
・Fixed the issue where changes were not reflected in the viewer when switching the viewer manually.
・Fixed the issue where users could not be created after SAML authentication.
### 6/12 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to send reminders to chat tools, etc.] (/manual/table-management-reminder)
・Added a function to specify a department or group by ID as the destination of [notifications] (/manual/table-management-notification) and [reminders] (/manual/table-management-reminder).
・[Added a switch function to control overwriting to Lookup.] (/manual/table-management-lookup)
・[Added Upsert API function.] (/manual/api-record-upsert)
・Fixed an issue where lookups would not work after manually changing the To column of a lookup to blank.
・Fixed an issue where lookups would not work when the lookup column was changed and then returned to its original value.
・Fixed an issue where an error would occur when the list of options for the column selected for classification in the time series chart was empty.
### 6/9 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where user-selected columns with multiple selections enabled could not be displayed correctly.
### 6/5 Release Information (ver.
・[Added the ability to use department and group as email notification destinations.] (/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Added the Headers property to the HttpClient in the server script.] (/manual/server-script-http-client)
・Fixed an issue where the search dialog performance deteriorated depending on the environment.
・Fixed an issue with the Markdown title and link extraction.
・Fixed an issue where the department code and API permission columns could not be updated correctly when importing users.
・Fixed an issue where a user's password could not be changed via API.
・Fixed an issue where an unnecessary port number was output to the direct URL.
・Fixed an issue where the edit mode was not completely released after switching views.
・Fixed an issue where the camera button did not work properly.
### 5/28 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to filter by group to ColumnFilterHash. ([Get Department](/manual/api-dept-get)/[Get User](/manual/api-user-get))
・[Added a function to set an arbitrary message to the column that prohibits duplication. ](/manual/table-management-no-duplication-message)
・Added a function to display the contents of RawText in blank cells on the list screen with server script.
・[Added AllowIpAddresses to Security.json. ](/manual/security-json)
・Fixed an issue where user information could not be displayed correctly in an environment where anonymous users exist.
・Fixed an issue where the list of link destinations could not be displayed when the check box that always requires search conditions is on.
### 5/24 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue with not being able to import user email addresses.
### 5/22 Release Information (ver.
・[Added MaxRequestBodySize parameter to Service.json.](/manual/service-json)
・[Added function to call reminder with BackgroundService.](/manual/reminder)
・[Added DisableDeletingSiteAuthentication parameter to Security.json.](/manual/security-json)
・[Added ListOrder parameter to Notification.json.](/manual/notification-json)
・[Added HideCurrentTimeIcon parameter to Genera.json.](/manual/general.json)
・[Added HideCurrentUserIcon parameter to Genera.json.](/manual/general.json)
・[Added HideCurrentDeptIcon parameter to Genera.json.](/manual/general.json)
・Fixed issue where authentication session timeout could not be set with RetentionPeriod value in Sessions.json.
・Fixed an issue where files under Definitions could not be loaded correctly depending on the environment.
・Fixed an issue where the search dialog did not work in process conditions.
・Fixed an issue where link columns with the search function enabled did not display correctly on the view editing screen.
・Fixed an issue where the filter for link columns set in a view did not work correctly.
・Fixed an issue where link columns were not displayed correctly when using the information disclosure function.
・Fixed an issue where the filter range specification dialog could not be displayed when using the information disclosure function.
・Fixed an issue where reminders did not work in environments where tenant records did not exist.
・Fixed an issue where the name displayed of the link destination could not be obtained correctly in reminders.
・Fixed an issue where locally saved site images could not be deleted.
### 5/15 Release Information (ver.
・[Added AnchorTargetBlank parameter to General.json.](/manual/general.json)
・[Added LoginAfterUrlExcludePrivilegedUsers parameter to Location.json.](/manual/locations-json)
・[Added WithoutChangeDefaultPassword parameter to Service.json.](/manual/service-json)
・[Added optional function to use delay filter.](/manual/table-management-filter-delay-filter)
・[Abolished Excel under Definitions and changed to text format.](/manual/faq-original-template-json)
・Fixed issue where the completion message was hidden after import.
・Fixed issue where null reference violation occurred when selecting numerical value column in crosstab row classification.
・Fixed issue where lookup was not performed for columns set to copy by default when copying reference.
・Fixed issue where checkbox layout was not displayed correctly in tablet environment.
・Fixed an issue where images in local files were not deleted when images were deleted from the image library.
・Fixed an issue where images in local files were not deleted when records were deleted from the recycle bin.
### 5/2 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the ID and version columns filters were not displayed unless they were set on the list screen or edit screen.
・Fixed an issue where the latest information was not reflected in the model when creating or updating records using server scripts.
・Fixed an issue where start and completion columns could not be changed correctly using server scripts.
### 4/23 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to display a button on the new creation screen with the process function.](/manual/process)
・Added a function to switch between displaying and hiding [Incomplete filter](/manual/table-management-filter-use-incomplete-filter), [Own filter](/manual/table-management-filter-use-own-filter), etc.
・[Added a function to obtain the group contents and disabled status with server script.](/manual/server-script-group)
・Added methods such as [$](/manual/script-events-on-calendar-load) that correspond to each view mode.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when checking the access control of records.
・Fixed an issue where range-specified filters could not be used with ID and version columns.
・Fixed an issue where the path specified in LoginAfterUrl was not transitioned when the password was changed.
・Fixed an issue where the current status and changed status were not displayed on the list screen after adding a new process in the process management dialog.
・Fixed an issue where $p.set() did not work properly in $
・Fixed an issue where the HTTP error code was not returned correctly when an error occurred.
### 4/18 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where groups could not be imported correctly.
### 4/14 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where columns linked to the Wiki could not be synchronized properly using title synchronization.
・Fixed an issue where the Extended HTML tab, which cannot be used in the comment column, was displayed in the advanced settings dialog.
・Fixed an issue where images registered when creating a new column in a PostgreSQL environment were not displayed in the image library.
### 4/10 Release Information (ver.
・[Added department import and export functions. ](/manual/dept-import)
・[Added group import and export functions. ](/manual/group-import)
・Added site API functions ([Get](/manual/api-site-get)/[Create](/manual/api-site-create)/[Update](/manual/api-site-update)/[Delete](/manual/api-site-delete)).
・[Added a function to operate group members to group API. ](/manual/api-group-create)
・Added a function to set option lists and search functions to [Creator](/manual/table-management-creator) and [Updater](/manual/table-management-updator).
・Changed the default value of DisableIndexChangeDetection in Rds.json to true.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when retrieving site settings for a linked site.
・Fixed an issue where images uploaded in List Edit or Dialog Edit did not appear in the Image Library.
・Fixed an issue where the Auto Numbering tab was displayed in the advanced settings of the Comment column.
・Fixed an issue where the contents of the Common tab were displayed in other tabs in the advanced settings of an column.
・Fixed an issue where the icon for setting your own department did not function properly.
・Fixed an issue where the Do not insert blanks in options was not displayed in the advanced settings of the Status, Assignee, and Manager columns.
・Fixed an issue where some columns in the CSV header output when exporting users were not enclosed in double quotes.
・Fixed an issue where Allow group creation could not be updated when importing users.
・Fixed an issue where lookup did not work during automatic postback on the new creation screen when copying references.
・Fixed an issue where an error occurred when specifying null for the description column in the record update API.
・Fixed an issue where links did not open in a different tab when using Markdown.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred when the option list for the Status column was blank.
・Fixed an issue where creation date and update date filters were not displayed unless they were set on the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where the sort menu on the list screen remained after the mouse was removed from it.
・Fixed an issue where required input errors for multiple selection columns were not displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where LdapExtendedAttributes settings did not work properly in a Linux environment.
### 3/25 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where expired reminder records could not be correctly determined.
### 3/23 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where lookups between different types of tables did not work properly on the New Creation screen.
### 3/22 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the list of columns in a linked table could not be retrieved correctly.
### 3/20 Release Information (ver.
・Added a button to select yourself in the options for [Department](/manual/table-management-choices-text-own-dept) and [User](/manual/table-management-choices-text-own-user).
・[Added a function to set the option not to insert blanks. ](/manual/table-management-not-insert-blank-choice)
・[Added a function to set the behavior after import using the notification function. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Added MergeSessionViewFilters and MergeSessionViewSorters to View. ](/manual/api-view)
・Fixed an issue where values could not be saved correctly when entering a currency symbol.
・Fixed an issue where selections could not be cleared using server script.
・Fixed an issue where numerical values were displayed in the user column on the access control tab of a record.
・Fixed an issue where the "Do not display if read-only" checkbox was displayed on the record editing screen.
### 3/17 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where email address validation could not be performed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where emails could not be sent depending on the SMTP server environment when SmtpEnableSsl was false.
### 3/13 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to set the default view mode for each view. ](/manual/table-management-view-default-mode)
・[Added a function to enable/disable two-step authentication for each user. ](/manual/secondary-authentication)
・[Added a function to obtain data from tables linked via API. ](/manual/api-view)
・[Added a function to set the behavior after copying using the notification function. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Added a function to set the behavior after bulk updating using the notification function. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Added a function to set the behavior after bulk deletion using the notification function. ](/manual/table-management-notification)
・[Added a function to allow CIDR notation to be used to specify NotLoggingIp in SysLog.json. ](/manual/sys-log-json)
・Added a function to allow multiple people to use the demo environment.
・Fixed an issue where changes could not be saved when changing lookup reference columns by direct input.
・Fixed an issue where LdapExtendedAttribute did not work properly in a PostgreSQL environment.
### 3/9 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where logging out was not possible in an environment used under a virtual directory.
### 3/7 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where emails could not be sent using anonymous SMTP authentication.
### 3/7 Release Information (ver.
・[Added automatic numbering function. ](/manual/auto-numbering)
・[Added access control function to export settings. ](/manual/table-management-export-permissions)
・[Added DisableMvcResponseHeader parameter. ](/manual/security-json)
・Added setting to Web.config to clear custom headers in IIS environment.
・Removed unused parameter RequestLimit.
・Fixed issue where site group names, etc. could not be imported/exported correctly in site package.
・Fixed issue where calendar times were not displayed in 24-hour format depending on locale.
・Fixed issue where scripts from before the version upgrade were used in cache.
### 3/1 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where sending email via SMTP would fail.
### 3/1 Release Information (ver.
・Target framework changed to .NET6.
・[Process management function added.] (/manual/process)
・Email sending library changed to MailKit.
・Fixed issue of performance degradation when retrieving link information.
### 2/28 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where commas could not be used in the display name of an email address.
### 2/24 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where search-enabled fields could not be modified by server script during auto postback.
### 2/22 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation would occur when enabling auto postback on a link column without a lookup specified.
### 2/22 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where sorting by the same column as the column in the joined table could not be performed correctly.
### 2/19 Release Information (ver.
・[Added view access control function. ](/manual/table-management-view-permissions)
・Fixed the issue where the JSON data of SiteSettings was not completely cleared after resetting the columns.
・Fixed the issue where the "Select All" and "Unlock All" in the multiple options were displayed in English.
・Fixed the issue where the "Unlock Table" menu was not displayed when DisableGroupAdmin was true.
・Fixed the issue where LoginAfterUrl did not work properly when accessing the site top page.
・Fixed the issue where the action of the server script could not be correctly determined.
・Fixed the issue where the redirect to the login screen was not https when behind a load balancer.
### 2/17 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where the login redirect could not be HTTPS when behind a load balancer.
### 2/11 Release Information (ver.
・[Added double quote control function when exporting CSV. ](/manual/table-management-export)
・Added API function to copy site packages.
・Fixed issue where cell CSS was not applied when using custom design on the list screen.
・Fixed issue where the pull-down menu was not displayed in the correct position when using a filter in the header menu of the grid.
### 2/7 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue where the sort menu on the list screen was not displayed in the correct position.
### 2/5 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue where table selection check could not be performed correctly.
### 2/5 Release Information (ver.
・Added EnvironmentName to Service.json.
・Updated jQuery library.
・Fixed issue where child table link columns could not be displayed correctly on the list screen.
・Fixed issue where copy could not be used in Manage table when copy allow was turned off.
・Fixed issue where tenant manager menu was not displayed correctly when ShowProfiles in Service.json was false.
・Fixed issue where changing the display name of a section did not work properly.
・Fixed issue where clearing the date range filter did not work properly.
・Fixed issue where error code was incorrectly returned when retrieving records via API.
### 1/27 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where Minify did not work due to a lack of BuildBundlerMinifier.
### 1/26 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where images could not be registered in a Linux environment.
### 1/22 Release Information (ver.
・[Added the ability to specify the timing of notifications after creation, update, and deletion.](/manual/table-management-notification)
・Fixed the issue where lookups did not work when updating in bulk.
・Fixed the issue where SysLogTypes were not recorded correctly.
・Fixed the issue where selection boxes could not be scrolled on touch UI devices.
・Fixed the issue where the display name in the filter column was not displayed correctly when the display name matched the language file ID.
・Fixed the issue where the comment field in Manage table was hidden when the comment column was disabled.
・Fixed the issue where view could not be used before the server script screen was displayed.
・Fixed the issue where UserData was not inherited when creating a context in a server script.
### 1/17 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the list screen could not be displayed correctly for users without site administration privileges.
### 1/16 Release Information (ver.
・[Added the ID of the current view to the Server Script View object.] (/manual/server-script-view-id)
・[Added Windows to the authentication provider.] (/manual/authentication-json)
・Fixed the issue where "Creator" was not displayed in the filter field even when specified as a filter column.
・Fixed the issue where searches could not be performed by department code.
・Fixed the issue where updates could not be made on the Manage table screen with Site administration permissions.
・Fixed the issue where privileged users could not open the user management screen in an environment with ShowProfiles:false.
・Fixed the issue where the API key was not inherited when calling a server script from the API.
### 1/11 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where resetting sorting failed in an environment where no view exists.
### 1/9 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where resetting a view failed in an environment where the view did not exist.
### 1/8 Release Information (ver.
・[Added API function that allows data to be retrieved by the display name. ](/manual/api-view)
・Changed to specifications so that view selections are not cleared even when the filter and sort order are changed.
・[Changed to specifications so that when filter and sort are reset, the current view settings are restored. ](/manual/table-record-search)
・Fixed issue where the crosstab enable checkbox could not be turned off.
・Fixed issue where input value was cleared when performing automatic postback on columns with copy on by default during reference copy.
・Fixed issue where attachment registration failed after a duplicate prohibition error occurred.
・Fixed issue where reminder From was not set when FixedFrom was used.
・Fixed issue where DisableApi did not work properly when retrieving departments, groups, and users.
・Fixed issue where lookup to columns with search function enabled did not work properly during automatic postback.
・Fixed issue where incomplete checkboxes were displayed and duplicated on the filter tab of the view.
・Fixed issue where creator/updater was not displayed in filter columns .
・Fixed issue where the time zone default value was not set when non-existent time zone was specified.
・Fixed an issue where the access control tab for records was displayed on the Wiki editing screen.
・Fixed an issue where the Disable column set to true in User.json was displayed when creating a new user.
・Fixed an issue where the base path was not recorded in the URL of the SysLogs table.
## 2021 Version Update Information
### 12/29 Release Information (ver.
・[Added a function to control API usage permission. ](/manual/user-new)
・[Added a function to set permission to delete attachments. ](/manual/table-management-attachments)
・Added an API to register attachments to the Binaries table.
・Fixed an issue where the server script command button display control did not work properly when changing the view.
・Fixed an issue where the reference copy screen column was cleared during automatic postback.
・Fixed an issue where 0 was displayed in the record access control options.
・Fixed an issue where the reminder sender column was displayed even when FixedFrom was specified.
・Fixed an issue where attachments saved in the local folder were not deleted when deleting a record from the recycle Bbin.
### 12/20 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where an application error occurred when setting a link column on the list screen.
### 12/19 Release Information (ver.
・Added an option to exclude notifications and reminders when copying a site.
・Added the ability to specify the path of a parameter file.
・Fixed an issue where access control could not be performed correctly on a record-by-record basis at the linked destination on the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where the menu did not work properly after pressing the update button.
・Fixed an issue where registration was not possible when a large number of group members were registered.
・Fixed an issue where updating from outside the edit screen would not occur when automatic version upgrades were the default.
・Fixed an issue where the order of the record switcher would not be displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where group operations were prohibited even for privileged users due to settings in User.json.
・Fixed an issue where updates were not made to extended columns when importing the Users table.
### 12/12 Release Information (ver.
[・Added tab-delimited CSV export function. ](/manual/table-management-export)
・Added a function to set history deletion and restoration permission for each table.
・[Added a function to obtain credentials from environment variables. ](/manual/rds-json)
・Fixed an issue where 0-byte attachments could not be registered.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred when displaying an error page.
・Fixed an issue where sites under the top could be copied when DisableTopSiteCreation was true.
・Fixed an issue where invalid columns were displayed depending on the parameters on the user management screen.
・Fixed an issue where the history display function did not work properly.
・Fixed an issue where child records were registered in reverse order when copying with CopyWithLinks.
・Fixed an issue where currency symbols for columns could not be displayed correctly in Azure environment.
・Fixed an issue where SyncByLDAP did not work properly in Linux environment.
・Changed MaxRequestBodySize to the default value.
### 12/5 Release Information (ver.
・Added ViewExtensions to ExtendedFields.
・Fixed an issue where control characters were not escaped in like searches.
・Fixed an issue where unnecessary columns were displayed in the filter settings for manager, owner, and status columns.
・Fixed an issue where SVG was output even when the value was zero in cross-tabulation.
・Fixed an issue where sockets were exhausted in HttpClient in server script.
・Fixed an issue where server scripts were running when reminders were executed.
・Fixed an issue where the Change event did not occur when clicking the clock icon in the date column.
### 11/28 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set not to display cross-tabulation graphs.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated with cross tabulations with large amounts of data.
・Fixed an issue where messages were not displayed correctly when moving records on the edit screen.
・Fixed an issue where null reference violations occurred when moving records on the edit screen.
・Fixed an issue where the title of demo data was not set correctly.
・Fixed the issue where a site could be moved to the top of the site when DisableTopSiteCreation is true.
・Fixed the issue where link columns set in JSON format did not work properly in the linked filter.
### 11/24 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set the default value of site package options.
・Added ExtendedRowData to server script.
・Fixed the issue where the filter dialog for columns with the search function enabled did not display.
### 11/20 Release Information (ver.
・Added the function to search using "Use filter button".
・Added a function to check "Required input" for attachments.
・Added the function to search for forward and partial matches for columns with options.
・Changed the specifications so that the ShowProfiles parameter is not required to display the password change menu.
・Fixed the issue where site-packages could not be imported correctly when changing the display position of links in the editor.
・Fixed the issue where link columns set as read-only on the new creation screen could not be registered.
・Fixed an issue where server script items.Create could not be performed in Recorded Table.
### 11/14 Release Information (ver.
・Added "httpClient" to server script.
・Added date and time (seconds) to "Editor format".
・Added guide display function for calendars, cross-tabulations, Gantt charts, etc.
・Added a function to merge sites by site name and site group name.
・Added a command button to open site settings on the screen when an application error occurs.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when filtering by title columns.
・Fixed an issue where the filter search dialog would not open when using the information disclosure function.
### 11/7 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set required input in server script.
・Added parameter DisableCrossSearchSites to disable site search in cross-search.
・Added a function to search by multiple options for class column that do not have options.
・Added OnSelectingOrderBy to extended SQL.
・Fixed an issue where records could not be selected after paging occurred in link columns set in JSON format.
・Fixed an issue where filters containing control characters in SQL Server's Transace-SQL did not function properly.
・Fixed an issue where retrieval by API was not possible when "Do not display on screen if read-only" was turned on.
・Fixed an issue where titles set in server script were not reflected in messages.
・Fixed an issue where date columns could not be sorted in server script.
### 11/1 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where files could not be downloaded in tables using the information disclosure function.
### 10/31 Release Information (ver.
・Added "Debug Server Script" function.
・Added extendedSql.ExecuteNonQuery method to server script.
・Added "$p.selectedIds" method to script.
・Added function to control permission to create groups.
・Added forward match search function for columns with multiple selections enabled.
・Added function to enforce password history.
・Added function to log login success, failure, and logout.
・Fixed issue where notifications were sent even when the columns did not correspond to the columns monitored for changes during bulk updates.
・Fixed issue where null reference violations occurred in server scripts.
### 10/24 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set advanced settings for editor columns for bulk updates.
・Added a function to save option settings when importing.
・Added a function to obtain server script conditions with context.Condition.
・Added an exact match search function for columns with multiple selections enabled.
・Added DefaultNotNullValue to column definition.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred during export.
・Fixed an issue where an error occurred due to simultaneous cache updates.
・Fixed an issue where user columns in parent tables with the search function enabled could not be displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the filter range specification dialog could not be called up with entry permissions.
・Fixed an issue where columns with the search function enabled could not be set correctly on the view filter setting screen.
・Fixed an issue where bulk updates could not be performed on columns with automatic postback set.
### 10/16 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set permission to reset the view.
・Added a function to specify partial/exact string matches in API filters.
・Added a function to specify navigation menu output conditions using parameters.
・Added a "ClearChoiceHash method" to server script.
・Added a function to use JSON settings for options for columns defined in CustomDefinitions.
・NULL was not converted to 0 for numerical value column that do not allow NULL in the server script model.
・Fixed an issue where option columns for departments, groups, and users with multiple selections enabled could not be displayed correctly when they contained non-numerical value data.
・Fixed an issue where command buttons were not displayed correctly when editing a list.
・Fixed an issue where columns with NULL stored in them could not be sorted correctly.
### 10/10 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to switch the display state of command buttons by view.
・Added [Server script function to switch the display state of command buttons](/manual/server-script-elements-display-type).
・Added [Server script function to switch the display state of navigation menus](/manual/server-script-elements-display-type).
・Added a function to use groups as the application conditions of extensions.
・Fixed an issue where the search dialog did not function properly for columns with JSON format links and search functions enabled.
・Fixed an issue where the dialog editing was closed by paging.
・Fixed an issue where the control width and margins did not match the column width on the list editing screen.
・Fixed an issue where extended columns were not initialized.
・Fixed an issue where the week display of date columns in crosstabulations could not be performed correctly in a PostgreSQL environment.
### 10/3 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to search columns using user functions, etc.
・Added a function to set the collapse of filters and aggregates in the view.
・Added a notification function to InCircle.
・Fixed an issue where NULL could not be correctly obtained for numerical value column that allowed NULL via API.
・Fixed an issue where information on switch users could not be displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where creator columns, etc. could not be displayed right-justified on the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where the view could not be restored correctly when a user was specified for a session.
### 9/28 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where the Updated check could not be performed correctly when a default value was set for a numerical value column.
・Fixed an issue where the function to remember login information did not work properly.
### 9/28 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to rebuild search indexes for specific tables in batch processing.
・Fixed an issue where FixedFrom could not be used for the column in ApprovalRequest emails for user invitations.
・Fixed an issue where the server script utilities.InRange did not support undefined.
・Fixed an issue where extended server scripts with duplicate names could not be included correctly.
### 9/23 Release Information (ver.
・Added the ability to set OnSelectingWhere to view.Filters.
・Fixed the issue where IDs were displayed when user columns were read-only.
・Fixed the issue where the setting columns displayed in the column's advanced settings were incorrect.
・Fixed the issue where update judgments could not be performed correctly for numerical value column that allowed null when updating records.
・Fixed the issue where text visibility decreased when the multiple selection drop-down list was disabled.
・Fixed the issue where white text was not visible when changing themes in the multiple selection drop-down list.
・Fixed the issue where an error message was displayed when switching users.
・Fixed the issue where DeptCode could not be used in ColumnFilterHash of Users.
・Fixed the issue where the version screen opened in a separate tab.
・Updated ClosedXML.
### 9/19 Release Information (ver.
・Added the ability to update multiple columns at the same time in bulk.
・Added advanced settings function for the Creator, Updater, Create DateTime column and Update DateTime column.
・Added information disclosure function to Wiki.
・Fixed an issue where options were displayed in SearchFormat format for columns with column linkage.
・Fixed an issue where record links were not generated correctly when importing a site package.
・Fixed an issue where the sort order specification of ColumnSorterHash could not be properly migrated in site-packages.
・Fixed an issue where columns such as [[Users,ShowDeptName]] specified in the options list could not be properly imported in site-packages.
・Fixed an issue where always-send was not properly set in check columns.
・Fixed an issue where combined titles could not be properly searched in filters.
・Fixed an issue where linked filters were not displayed in the filter column.
・Fixed an issue where aggregates were not properly displayed in the group management list.
・Fixed an issue where managers could not be properly displayed in group management.
・Fixed an issue where a numerical value column that did not allow NULL could not be properly sorted.
・Fixed an issue where ServerScriptModelColumn did not work properly.
・Added a process to check the FixedFrom parameter in Mail.json when sending email with SendGrid.
・Fixed an issue where an application error occurred on the editing screen when using your own filter.
・Fixed an issue where users invited via the email invitation function could not navigate correctly from the URL link in the email.
### 9/12 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to search by department or member in the group list.
・Added a function to specify the format of the options for departments, groups, and users.
・Added a function to set the default value of the check column filter type.
・Added the "SiteId method" to the siteSettings of the server script.
・Added a function to customize the characters to be added when copying.
・Fixed an issue where the message title became blank.
・Fixed an issue where the check for disabling cross-search could not be migrated with the site package.
・Fixed an issue where single sign-on via SAML failed.
・Removed unnecessary default table space specifications.
### 9/6 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where extended HTML was output twice when using server scripts.
・Fixed an issue where units were not displayed correctly when a numerical value column was set to ReadOnly in the server script.
### 9/5 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue of labels not displaying correctly on the edit screen.
### 9/5 Release Information (ver.
・Added a record function to "Delete child records at the same time when deleting."
・Added a record function to "Copy child records at the same time when copying."
・Added a function to record the numerical value before resetting the API count when resetting it.
・Upgraded ClearScript and added linux-arm64.
・Fixed an issue where extended HTML, etc. were not set correctly when multiple server scripts were executed.
・Fixed an issue where the SQL date format was not recognized correctly in certain language locales.
・Fixed an issue where views saved for each user were not reset when an error occurred in the list retrieval SQL.
・Fixed an issue where a site had no access rights when access rights were inherited when importing a site package.
・Fixed an issue where a PK constraint violation occurred when importing site package permissions.
・Fixed an issue where SysLogType was not recorded correctly.
・Fixed an issue where login IDs were case-sensitive in PostgreSQL and LDAP authentication environments.
・Fixed an issue where the IP of X-Forwarded-For was not recorded in the UserHostAddresses of the SysLogs table on the login screen.
### 8/29 Release Information (ver.
・Added the ability to disable cross-search for each table.
・Added tooltips such as descriptions to group member columns.
・Fixed the issue where AddChoiceHash did not work for columns with search function enabled in server script.
・Fixed the issue where the function to attach files did not work properly in SMTP email.
・Fixed the issue where email addresses with display names could not be sent in TO/CC/BCC when sending SendGrid email.
・Fixed the issue where the upper limit was not determined when using link columns in cross-tabulation.
・Fixed the issue where attachments were not saved locally when Provider was specified as Local in BinaryStorage.json.
・Fixed the issue where writing files failed if the local folder where attachments were stored did not exist.
### 8/22 Release Information (ver.
・Added tooltips such as descriptions to access control columns.
・Added "AddMessage method" to server script.
・Added OnSelectingWherePermissions to extended SQL.
・Added a parameter to set AccessControlAllowOrigin.
・Added a function to obtain UserHostAddress from X-Forwarded-For.
・Added a function to record logs when API Count is reset.
・Fixed an issue where input validation failed when uploading attachments.
・Fixed an issue where the destination URL was not transitioned when copying a site.
・Fixed an issue where false could not be set for the check column ColumnFilterHash.
・Fixed an issue where form data was not set to the model when $p.send was executed.
### 8/16 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred in an environment using extended SQL.
### 8/15 Release Information (ver.
・Added "[OnSelectingWhere](/en/manual/faq-extended-sql-selecting-where)" to the server script view.
・Added "AddColumnPlaceholder method" to the server script view.
・Fixed an issue where date and numerical value filters could not be displayed correctly on the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where values were set to other link columns when creating a new linked record.
・Fixed an issue where lookups could not be performed correctly for different types of tables using the lookup function.
・Fixed an issue where the creator and updater were not registered in fulltext when importing.
### 8/9 Release Information (ver.
・Added "[Allow Reference Copy](/en/manual/table-management-allow-reference-copy)" function.
・Added a function to "「Look Up」" from departments, groups, and users.
・Added a switch function to control whether links are displayed or hidden.
・Added a setting column for "Allow copy by default, Read-only, and Bulk update" to the completion column.
・Added a function to operate SelectingWhere only when parameters are set in the view.
・Added "[Extended Field](/en/manual/extended-fields)" function.
・Added a function to record OSVersion to MachineName in SysLogs.
・Added a function to automatically switch LDAP libraries depending on the platform.
・Fixed an issue where search results could not be enabled when using the search function with multiple selection columns.
・Fixed an issue where filter settings using $p.set did not work properly for non-multiple selection class column with the search function enabled.
・Fixed an issue where lookups did not work when the new creation screen was opened using the Add button at the link destination.
・Fixed an issue where the completion date and time could not be correctly obtained from the API in a UTC environment.
・Fixed an issue where columns with NULL values were not counted in the population when showing the summary average.
### 7/21 Release Information (ver.
・Released Pleasanter 1.2.
### 7/20 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where LoginId was the form input value when logging in via AD integration.
・Fixed the issue where server script Today did not work properly in UTC environments.
・Fixed the issue where control was not performed properly when setting the Other tab in column access control and using server script.
### 7/17 Release Information (ver.
・Added "Today method" to server script.
・Added UpdateOnExit function to server script.
・Added date range check function to server script.
・Added LabelRaw property to server script.
・Added function to change display name to server script.
・Added before label, between label and control, and after control to extended HTML.
・Added extended navigation menu function.
・Added attachment function to mail API.
### 7/14 Release Information (ver.
・Added "[Share Code](/en/manual/server-script-shared)" and "[Include](/en/manual/server-script-include)" functions to server script.
・Added "AlwaysGetColumns object" to server script view.
・Fixed the problem of access control of columns on the new creation screen not working properly.
・Fixed the problem of search not working properly when multiple selection is used for link columns.
・Fixed the problem of warning not being displayed when changing screens after operating attachments.
・Fixed the problem of not being able to set default values when copying records on the list editing screen.
・Fixed the problem of context.Error and context.Log not working when creating data on the list editing screen.
・Fixed the problem of server script not working under conditions before row display when creating new data on the list editing screen.
### 7/12 Release Information (ver.
・Added the function to update access control of records via API and server script.
・Added the behavior of context.Error of server script when updating by list editing.
・Added the behavior of server script before row display when updating by list editing.
・Added AddChoiceHash operation to server script before displaying screen and before displaying rows.
・Added ID attribute to copy button in copy dialog.
・Fixed issue where value could not be set to completion columns in server script.
・Fixed issue where columns linkage did not work properly with link columns using JSON format.
・Fixed issue where columns on new creation screen could not be displayed properly when using columns access control and server script.
・Fixed issue where TimeZoneInfo in server script was null reference violation.
### 7/6 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue where restore function of change history did not work.
・Fixed issue where AddChoiceHash did not work when loading site settings.
### 7/4 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed issue where element of child table could not be saved properly when specified in view.
### 7/4 Release Information (ver.
・Added OnSelectingColumn to extended SQL.
・Added filters for creator and updater.
・Fixed an issue where options could not be displayed correctly when multiple selection was used for column linkage.
・Fixed an issue where aggregation could not be performed correctly when conditions were specified in a time series chart.
・Fixed an issue where access to model-related objects failed when displaying the list screen with conditions before the screen display.
・Fixed an issue where read-only selection columns could not be displayed correctly during automatic postback.
・Fixed an issue where the edit screen could not be opened when an external table was specified in view.Filters.
・Fixed an issue where multiple selection read-only columns could not be displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the options in the drop-down list were not set correctly when there were records in a link column that exceeded the DropDownSearchPageSize.
### 6/26 Release Information (ver.
・Added extended columns to the group table.
・Fixed an issue where crosstab exports of linked columns could not be output correctly.
・Fixed an issue where departments and groups could not be displayed when using multiple selection and search functions in a JSON format option list.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred when creating saved view data.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when retrieving users with access permissions to a site.
・Fixed an issue where filters for checked columns could not be properly removed.
・Fixed an issue where access control for site settings columns did not work properly if the server script was set to "Before screen display" or "During view processing."
・Fixed an issue where completion columns in time limited table could not be properly changed with server script.
### 6/20 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the problem of link cache not updating correctly.
・Fixed the problem of null reference violation occurring when exporting.
### 6/16 Release Information (ver.
・Added PublicOrigin and IgnoreMissingInResponseTo to the SAML authentication settings.
・Fixed the problem of not being able to search correctly when the number of users exceeds DropDownSearchPageSize.
・Fixed the problem of tenant cache not being configured correctly.
・Fixed the problem of view.Filters filters not working correctly in the editor.
・Fixed the problem of performance degradation due to permission information retrieval SQL.
### 6/12 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the problem of the type of summary destination table not being correctly identified.
・Fixed the problem of not being able to turn off the display of unset in cross-tabulation.
・Fixed the problem of not being able to select unset in view filter settings.
・Fixed the problem of the dialog for setting view filters for date columns with a range specified in IE not working properly.
・Fixed an issue where the filter in the header menu of the grid was not displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where link columns with search function enabled for title binding could not be displayed.
・Fixed an issue where IDs were not reflected in the title when importing a table with ID columns bound to the title.
・Fixed an issue where date and time filters did not work properly in UTC environments.
・Fixed an issue where a null reference violation occurred in SetChoiceHash.
・Fixed an issue where API limit counting was not performed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where MoveTarget.sql did not work in SQL Server environments.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when there were a large number of sites.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated due to unnecessary permission information acquisition processing.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated in environments with a large number of users.
### 6/5 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to use And conditions in views.
・Added an accessor to the "Forms object" to the "Context object" of the server script.
・Fixed an issue where password policy checks were performed even when a password was not entered when importing users.
・Fixed an issue where column change judgment could not be performed correctly when null was saved in a numerical value column.
・Fixed an issue where update judgment failed for the numerical value column with units set by always-send for read-only column.
・Fixed an issue where multiple selection values could not be correctly set in a multi-select column nusing $p.set.
・Fixed an issue where an update confirmation alert was not displayed after entering a date column using a clock symbol.
・Fixed an issue where JSON format option lists were not converted correctly when importing a site package.
・Fixed an issue where link column IDs were not converted correctly when importing a site package.
### 5/22 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to "[Customize User Interface Themes](/en/manual/user-management-theme)".
・Added a "[Lookup](/en/manual/table-management-lookup)" function.
・Added a function to set "Do not display on screen if read-only".
・Added a function to "「Fulltext Settings」".
・Added a FormData method to the server script.
・Added a function to place styles and scripts at the top.
・Fixed an issue where a list could not be obtained when using JSON format in a link column.
・Fixed an issue where the SearchFormat of a link was not displayed as the display name.
・Fixed an issue where $p.set did not work properly for multi-selection columns with the search function enabled.
・Fixed an issue where the Hide of the columns object in the server script was not applied to the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where restoration of multiple records failed.
・Fixed an issue where unnecessary setting columns were displayed in the ID and version columns.
・Fixed an issue where the SQL to determine the expiration time of a reminder did not work in PostgreSQL.
・Deleted NetFramework related projects.
### 5/22 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue of being unable to notify Slack.
・Added the ability to set the "[Time Interval](/en/manual/table-management-date-time-step)" for date input column.
・Added the ability to select "「Columns to Return on Auto Postback」".
・Fixed the issue of dates on the Gantt chart not displaying correctly when scrolling horizontally.
・Fixed the issue of password policies not being checked when importing users.
・Fixed the issue of data including time not being correctly extracted with the date range filter.
・Fixed the issue of the default value including time when a format that does not include time was specified for an column.
・Fixed the issue of an application error occurring when the number format conversion failed.
### 5/14 Release Information (ver.
・Added the "[Overwrite File with Same Name](/en/manual/table-management-overwrite-same-file-name)" switch for attachments.
・Added a parameter to enable the Secure attribute of cookies.
・Changed the link URL in the help menu.
・Fixed the issue of the search dialog not being centered.
・Fixed the issue of emails not being notified according to the number of decimal places setting when updating numerical value column from the API.
・Changed ServerScriptTimeOut to 10000.
・Fixed an issue where display names were replaced by multilingual files.
### 4/29 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function that allows you to switch the BCC sending of the two-step authentication code with a parameter switch.
・Added the $p.responsive method.
・Changed the specifications to allow the display name of the header to be set to blank.
・Fixed the problem that the search dialog could not be displayed in bulk updates and view filter settings.
・Fixed the problem that a null reference violation occurred in ExportUtilities.ColumnOptions.
・Fixed the problem that the mobile menu did not work properly.
### 4/26 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the problem that the title combination of multiple selectable columns with fixed value options could not be performed correctly.
### 4/26 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the problem that the search dialog did not work properly for column with fixed value options that enabled multiple selection and search functions.
・Fixed the problem that the column name was not displayed in the title when displaying a list of user information in a class column and setting the search function to display it as the title.
### 4/25 Release Information (ver.
・Added today, this month, and this year to the date column filter.
・Added the ability to set the current date and time to the date column.
・Added a search dialog function for multi-selection columns.
・Fixed an issue where the column set as the title was not displayed in the title under certain conditions.
### 4/22 Release Information (ver.
・Added responsive support for mobile devices.
・Added a function to send notifications to Rocket.Chat.
・Added a function to allow the navigation menu to be changed by parameters.
・Fixed an issue where the process of obtaining access rights on a record-by-record basis failed when exporting a site package.
・Fixed an issue where the version number of copied records was not reset.
・Fixed an issue where linked columns did not work properly with columns with multi-selection enabled.
・Fixed an issue where linked multi-selection columns could not be displayed correctly in the link list.
・Fixed an issue where an application error occurred when requesting a link in a user invitation email.
・Fixed the issue where the ContractSettings value could not be obtained with the IP restriction filter of the API request.
・Modified demo data.
### 4/12 Release Information (ver.
Discontinued Anonymous user.
### 4/10 Release Information (ver.
・Added a setting to display the email address in the tooltip when selecting a user in the group member and authority settings.
・Fixed the issue where the SysLogs table log became bloated when an attachment was POSTed with the API.
・Fixed the issue where syntax errors in the API JSON data were not detected.
・Fixed the issue where performance deteriorated due to the deletion process of session information.
・Fixed the issue where migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL failed.
### 4/4 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to cancel create/update/delete with an error in the server script.
・Fixed the issue where notifications for multi-selection columns were not performed correctly.
### 3/28 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to allow individual users to create and manage groups on the site top.
・Added a function to specify the view and display format in the option list.
・Added a function to disable departments and groups.
・Added an ID attribute to command buttons.
・Added parameter set processing to model objects.
・Added support for Vietnamese.
・Added an extension column to the group table.
・Added the $p.disableAutPostback flag.
・Fixed an issue where full-text search could not be performed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when data other than links used in the editor was obtained.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when initializing column access control.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when retrieving site settings on sites with many links.
・Fixed an issue where switching columns to read-only did not work during automatic postback.
・Fixed an issue where the copy function could not be used when a record was ReadOnly.
・Fixed an issue where disabled permission columns were displayed in the permission setting options.
・Fixed an issue where the extension's exclusion conditions were not judged correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the link ID was cleared by automatic postback on the screen for creating a new linked record.
・Fixed an issue where multiple exclusions could not be specified with the extension's exclusion specification.
・Fixed an issue where columns in a linked table for which a view was not specified could not be displayed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the response of automatic postback deteriorated in tables with a large number of columns.
・Fixed an issue where the value of a numerical value column in the server script's ApiModel could not be obtained correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the range specification for date column did not function correctly when processing the server script's view.
・Fixed an issue where the numerical value column could not be displayed correctly in the custom design of the list display.
・Added a check for the existence of the source directory when copying a directory.
・Fixed an issue where the cache of user information was not updated after importing a user.
・Fixed an issue where an error occurred when selecting Stay on Page in the dialog when transitioning between screens in IE.
### 3/7 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to search for unfilled string columns.
・Added the RestoreLocalFiles parameter function.
・Fixed an issue where the display columns specified in the view were cleared when sorting the link list.
・Fixed an issue where a JavaScript error occurred when canceling the confirmation dialog when pressing the back button in IE.
・Fixed an issue where a link column's value was obtained when its title was combined with a non-numerical value.
・Fixed an issue where the synchronization of calculation formulas failed.
・Fixed an issue where bulk updates of numerical value column failed.
・Fixed an issue where performance deteriorated when updating master records due to the title combination of link columns.
・Fixed an issue where the bulk deletion filter from the API did not function properly.
・Merged with the code for the .NET Framework version.
### 2/24 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to set Or conditions to the filter.
・Added a function to set NULL tolerance for numerical value column.
・Fixed to allow the record ID to be obtained from the model object when displaying the list screen in server script.
・Fixed an issue where subsequent reminder processing could not continue when an exception occurred in reminder.
・Fixed an issue where PostgreSQL searches were case sensitive.
### 2/16 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed an issue where bulk updates and bulk deletes failed when filtering by linked table column.
・Added a function to hide sections in server script.
・Added a function to control the list of options in server script.
・Added departments/groups/users objects to server script.
・Added a function to dynamically set the destination of email notifications.
・Added a property for passing data to the Context of the server script.
・Added the number of comments to display in the list and change history lists to the parameters of General.json.
・Added the RestrictNewFeatures parameter to the Service classification and added AllowNewFeatures to ContractSettings.
・Changed the initial value of the extended SQL sample.
・Added Sum, Average, Count, Max, and Min methods to server script.
・Added automatic postback function.
・Added DisableAutoComplete parameter.
・Fixed an issue where the dropdown would open when displaying the search dialog in saffari.
・Fixed an issue where the screen could not be redisplayed if an error occurred due to the view settings when retrieving GridData.
・Fixed an issue where the session expiration message could not be displayed correctly in certain environments.
・Fixed an issue where the section collapse function did not work properly after updating.
・Fixed so that the yen mark sent from the server is also replaced with an empty string.
・Fixed an issue where the second half/first half could not be determined correctly when FirstMonth was changed.
・Fixed an issue where FullText was not constructed when the search function was enabled in the class column of the option [[Users]].
・Fixed an issue where the style of the option was not applied in the class column.
・Fixed an issue where the class name of the style sheet of the option created in Wiki was not applied.
・Fixed an issue where the half year and quarter could not be determined correctly.
・Fixed the issue where the ReadOnly setting of columns by server script was not effective on the new creation screen.
・Fixed the issue where export columns were not extracted correctly.
### 1/25 Release Information (ver.
・Added a function to disable table migration due to index changes.
・Added a function to obtain ControlId in the context of server script.
・Fixed the issue where validation of the numerical value column did not work properly.
### 1/21 Release Information (ver.
・Fixed the issue where the initial value of the options was automatically selected on the new creation screen.
・Fixed the issue where the list display was not performed correctly when a link column was used in the custom design.
### 1/7 Release Information (ver.
・Added timing for server script execution
・Added a function to display the title of master data moved to the recycle bin in the link column.
・Added automatic/manual/disabled viewer switching method for text area.
・Added a parameter switch to update columns individually when updating records.
・Added ExtensionWhere condition judgment function to extended SQL.
・Added a parameter to the server script to set whether to hide columns on the edit screen.
・Added a parameter to the server script to set the replacement of cell display on the list screen.
・Added a timeout and recursive call limit to the server script.
・Added a parameter to the server script to set the column CSS of the edit screen.
・Added a parameter to the server script to set extended HTML.
・Added a value to be passed as a parameter in the context of the server script.
・Added a parameter to set a lock to the server script.
・Added a function equivalent to API (Insert/Update/Delete/BulkDelete) to the server script.
・Added a function that allows you to set the fulltext types on an column-by-column basis.
・Added a function to obtain information from other records to the server script.
・Fixed an issue where the column link function did not work properly.
・Fixed an issue where the calendar in the date range specification dialog was displayed in the upper left of the screen.
・Fixed an issue where an Ajax error alert was displayed when a page transition was made during Ajax execution.
・Fixed an issue where sorting did not work properly when linking a Wiki.
・Fixed an issue where an application error occurred when searching using only the space bar on the list screen.
・Fixed an issue where the title of the linked page could not be displayed correctly if it contained a comma.
・Fixed an issue where numerical value column with read-only and unit settings were not reflected correctly when creating a new column.
・Fixed an issue where error messages were not displayed correctly for unauthenticated ajax requests.
・Fixed an issue where the correct ContentType was not set for old-style APIs as old-style APIs.
## 2020 Version Update Information
### 12/10 Release Information (ver.
・Added a parameter to set the row CSS of the list screen to the server script.
・Fixed the server script parameter "ReadOnly" to a setting for each row on the list screen.
・Refactored the namespace of server script related classes into Libraries.
・Fixed the issue where MessageData was deleted from the session when the API was executed.
・Fixed the issue where export by value could not be performed correctly for user columns with search function enabled.
・Fixed the issue where import by user ID could not be performed correctly.
・Fixed the issue where the current display tab was not properly maintained when reloading when the update button on the table editing screen was pressed.
・Fixed so that the value of a column that the running user does not have access to cannot be obtained in the server script.
### 12/3 Release Information (ver.
・Added a parameter to set the sorting of the list screen to the server script.
・Added a parameter to set the cell CSS of the list screen to the server script.
・Changed the response of the update button on the table editing screen to a reload response instead of a value change.
・Fixed the issue where the current display tab was not properly maintained when reloading when the update button on the table editing screen was pressed.
・Fixed an issue where an error would occur when directly accessing a URL with the FromTabIndex parameter.
・Fixed an issue where columns would remain even if the filter conditions for columns set in the view filter were cleared.
・Fixed a bug in bulk movement and added search conditions for filter columns.
・Fixed a JavaScript method that was not available in IE.
### 11/27 Release Information (ver.
・Added server script function.
・Added search function by ID and version.
・Renamed the "Extended HTML" tab to "[Extended HTML](/en/manual/table-management-extended-html)".
・Fixed an issue where linked columns could not be sorted by title string.
・Added a setting column to enable validation, which solves an issue where the Content-Type of the API request was also processed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
・Fixed an issue where filter column linking did not work after changing the view.
・Fixed an issue where title sorting could not be performed correctly.
・Fixed an issue where bulk delete did not function correctly in tables using site integration.
・Changed the specifications to display an error message if access rights are inherited from a site other than the one being deleted to the site being deleted.
## Related Information
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<li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-lookup">Table Management: Editor: Item Detail Settings: Choice List: Lookup</a><span>08.13.2024 up</span></li>
<li><a href="/en/manual/table-management-extended-html">Manage Table: Editor: Column Advanced Settings: Extended HTML</a><span>10.02.2024 up</span></li>
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