User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.action

## Overview This is a script function that allows you to obtain the type of action taken by an Ajax POST request. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.action(); ``` ## List Of Obtainable Values |Available screens|Obtained values| |:--|:--| |New creation screen|new| |Edit screen|edit| |List screen|index| |Calendar display screen|calender| |Crosstab display screen|crosstab| |Gantt chart display screen|gantt| |Burndown chart display screen|burndown| |Timeseries chart display screen|timeseries| |Kanban display screen|kanban| |Image library display screen|imagelib| |Trash box screen|trashbox| ## Usage Example (1) Create a folder and table (in this example, we will retrieve the index). (2) Create a new "[Script](/en/manual/table-management-script)", write the contents of the script below, and check "[List](/en/manual/table-management-grid)" as the output destination and update it (if it is a Wiki, check "Edit" as the output destination). ##### JavaScript ``` alert('The action type for this screen is [' + $p.action() + '].'); ``` (3) Go to the list screen.
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