User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.apiCreate

## Overview This section describes the methods that allow you to create new records. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiCreate({ id: (Site ID), data: { Item name: '(value)' }, done: (optional process), fail: (optional process), always: (optional process) }); ``` ## Explanation Of Each Parameter |Parameter name|Description| |:--|:--| |id|Optional site ID| |data|JSON to POST| |done|Processing when API communication is successful (optional)| |fail|Processing when API communication fails (optional)| |always|Processing when API communication is complete (optional)| ## Usage Example The following sample code creates a record with title "Coffee" and category A "Black" in the table for site ID:123. ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiCreate({ id: 123, data: { Title: 'coffee', ClassHash: { ClassA: 'black' } }, done: function (data) { $p.clearMessage(); const message = { Css: 'alert-success', Text: 'A new record was created' }; $p.setMessage('#Message',JSON.stringify(message)); }, fail: function (data) { console.log(data); } }); ```
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