User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.apiSendMail

## Overview This section explains the method for sending an email to a specified destination using an Ajax POST request. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiSendMail({ id: 123, data: { To: <The email address you want to set as To>, Cc: <The email address you want to set as CC>, Bcc: <The email address you want to set as Bcc>, Title: <Value to set in email subject>, Body: <Value to be set in the email body> } }) ``` ## Description Of Each Parameter |Parameter name|Description| |:--|:--| |ID|Site ID to operate on| |To|Destination to set in To| |Cc|Destination to set in Cc| |Bcc|Destination to set in Bcc| |Title|Value to set in the email title| |Body|Value to set in the email body|| ## Usage Example ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiSendMail({ id: 123, data: { To: '', Cc: '', Bcc: '', Title: 'Email sending verification', Body: 'This is the body of the email sending verification.' } }) ```
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