User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUpdateSite

## Overview This is a script function that allows you to update site information using Ajax POST requests. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiUpdateSite({ id: (Site ID to be updated), data: { (Site information to be updated) }, done: (Optional Processing), fail: (Optional Processing), always: (Optional Processing) }); ``` ## Description Of Each Parameter |Parameter name|Description|Required| |:--|:--|:--:| |id|Site ID to update|Yes| |data|JSON data to POST *See additional information in the margin|No| |done|API communication successful|Yes| |fail|API communication failure|No| |always|On completion|No| *The JSON data to be POST must be set to the same value as the "Site" parameter when the site package was exported. After obtaining site information with "[$p.apiGetSite](/ja/manual/script-api-get-site)", we will assume that the request data will be created by changing the column you want to update. ## Usage Example ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiUpdateSite({ id: 123, data: { TenantId: 1, Title: 'Site name', ReferenceType: 'Issues', ParentId: 99999, InheritPermission: 99999, SiteSettings: { Version: 1.017, ReferenceType: 'Issues', GridColumns: [ 'IssueId', 'TitleBody', 'Comments', 'StartTime', 'CompletionTime', 'WorkValue', 'ProgressRate', 'RemainingWorkValue', 'Status', 'Manager', 'Owner', 'Updator', 'UpdatedTime' ], EditorColumnHash: { General: [ 'IssueId', 'Ver', 'Title', 'Body', 'StartTime', 'CompletionTime', 'WorkValue', 'ProgressRate', 'RemainingWorkValue', 'Status', 'Manager', 'Owner', 'Comments' ] } }, done: function (data) { //Optional Processing }, fail: function (data) { //Optional Processing }, always: function (data) { //Optional Processing } } }); ``` ## Related Information <div id="ManualList"><ul><li><a href="/en/manual/script-api-get-site">Developer Function: Script: $p.apiGetSite</a><span>08.14.2024 up</span></li></ul></article></div><input id="SearchTextHidden" type="hidden" value="" />
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