User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUrl

## Overview This section explains the methods that can be used to obtain URL values ​​when making an API request via an Ajax POST request. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiUrl( <Site ID>, <Action Type> ); ``` ## Description Of Each Parameter |Parameter name|Description| |:--|:--| |Site ID|Site ID for which you want to get the URL| |Action type|get, create, update, delete| ## Usage Example (1) Create a folder or table. In this example, the site ID is 109 and the action type is get. (2) Create a new [Script](/en/manual/table-management-script), write the script content below, check [List](/en/manual/table-management-grid) as the output destination, and update. For Wiki, check "Edit" as the output destination. ##### JavaScript ``` alert('The generated URL is [' + $p.apiUrl(99999,'get') + ']'); ``` (3) Go to the list screen. ##### Result ``` The generated URL is [/api/items/99999/get]. ```
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