User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $p.apiUsersCreate

## Overview This explains the method that allows you to create users by Ajax POST requests. Use this when you want to create user information. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiUsersCreate({ data: { <user information to create> }, done: <any process>, fail: <any process>, always: <any process> }); ``` ## Description of each parameter |Parameter name|Description|Required| |:--|:--|:--:| |data|User information to create *See supplementary information in margin|No| |done|API communication successful|Yes| |fail|API communication failed|No| |always|Completed|No| *For user information to be created, set the same parameters as [API user creation](api-user-create). Please set the parameters by referring to the linked manual. ## Usage example ##### JavaScript ``` $p.apiUsersCreate({ data: { LoginId: 'TESTUSER', Name: 'USER1', Password: '123456', MailAddresses: [ '' ], }, done: function (data) { console.log(data); console.log('User information creation was successful.'); }, fail: function (data) { console.log('User information creation failed.'); }, always: function (data) { console.log('User information creation completed'); } }); ```
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