User Manual



Developer Function: Script: $

## Overview This explains how to specify a method to be executed before performing a validation check. Use this to check whether the value entered in the field is correct. ## Syntax ##### JavaScript ``` $ = function (args) { //Processing content } or ${Value of the data-action attribute} = function (args) { //Processing content } ``` *Get this if you want to explicitly write the value of the data-action attribute of the button that will cause the event. ## Usage Example After setting the following sample code to the Pleasanter script and setting the output destination to "Edit", the data will only be updated when you enter 100 in number A and press the "Update" button on the edit screen (in this example, the value of the data-action attribute, Update, is explicitly stated). ##### JavaScript ``` $ = function (args) { return ($p.getControl('NumA').val() != 100 ? false //When it is false, the process stops and the update does not occur. : true //If true, it will be updated. ); } ``` ## Related Information [FAQ:$を複数設定できるようにしたい](faq-multiple-on-editor-load)
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