User Manual



Set Parameter: Service.json

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## Notes When changing parameters, please refer to "[Confirmation When Changing Parameters](/en/manual/parameter-edit)". ## Compatible version #### AnnouncementSiteId / DeploymentEnvironment 1. Pleasanter or later #### MaxRequestBodySize 1. Pleasanter or later #### WithoutChangeDefaultPassword 1. Pleasanter or later ## Setting Values The setting values ​​of this parameter file are as follows. |Parameter name|Value (e.g)|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |Name|"Implem.Pleasanter"|Specify the name of the Pleasanter service. Connect to a database with the same name. | |EnvironmentName|"Implem.Pleasanter.Env"|Specify the name of the environment variable when obtaining Pleasanter's credentials from an arbitrary environment variable. | |TimeZoneDefault|"Tokyo Standard Time"|Referred to when running CodeDifiner. Specify the default time zone for Pleasanter. *1| |DefaultPassword|"pleasanter"|Specify the initial password for the Administrator created during installation. | |DeploymentEnvironment|"production"|Specify a string to distinguish the environment in which Pleasanter is installed (production environment, staging environment, etc.). Used in EnvironmentVariables in ["BackgroundService.json"](/manual/background-service-json). *2| |WithoutChangeDefaultPassword|false|Specify true if you do not want to change the initial password for the Administrator created during installation. | |DefaultLanguage|"ja"|Specify the default language for Pleasanter. | |AbsoluteUri|"http://pleasanter.example.local"|Specify the beginning part of the URL that will be displayed in notifications and reminders. If specified as null, the currently connected URL will be used. **There is no need to use a slash (/) at the end of the URI string**| |MaxRequestBodySize|30000000|Specify this if you want to send a file larger than the default size of 30 million bytes (approximately 28.6 MB) when importing CSV or posting attachments via API. | |RequireHttps|false|Specify true to force https connection, otherwise specify false. | |AnnouncementSiteId|1234|Specify the site ID to display service announcements. | |ShowProfiles|true|Specify true/false to enable/disable the profile screen. | |ShowChangePassword|false|Specify the setting to display the password change in the navigation menu with true/false. | |ShowStartGuide|true|Specify enable/disable the start guide with true/false. | |Demo|true|Specify enable/disable the demo environment with true/false. | |DemoUsagePeriod|60|Specify the number of days to calculate the usage period of the demo environment. | *1 Please set a valid time zone for the OS of the server where you install Pleasanter. (For Windows, set it to "Tokyo Standard Time", for Linux, set it to "Asia/Tokyo", etc.) *2 The value of DeploymentEnvironment is usually set as an environment variable. If you set it as an environment variable, set the variable name as follows. For {ServiceName}, set the value of the Name Parameter in "Service.json". ``` {ServiceName}_Service_DeploymentEnvironment ```
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