User Manual



Site Function: Delete Site

## Overview Delete a site ("[Folder](/en/manual/folder)", "Time-Limited Table", "Recorded Table", "[Wiki](/en/manual/wiki)", or "[Dashboard](/en/manual/dashboard)"). ## Prerequisites 1. You need the "Site Administration Permission". ## Operation Procedure 1. Access the site to be deleted. 1. From the navigation menu, click "Manage" - "[Manage Table](/en/manual/table-management)". 1. Click the "Delete Site" button in the command button area. 1. Enter the site title, login ID, and password in the displayed dialog, and click the "Delete Site" button. 1. Click "OK" in the "Are you sure you want to delete?" alert that appears. 1. When the message ""XXXX" has been deleted" appears at the bottom of the screen, the deletion is complete. ![image](
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